Connecting bootstrap 3 to HTML. Install bootstrap. Support for Bootstrap with Russian language

How to install bootstrap? To get started, we need to download the distribution kit on the official Bootsrap website. A number of installation options will be displayed on the website page:

Upgrade the production version (a terminal product that can be vicorized ) that version of development ( revenge on all weekends)

The difference between these versions is that the production version is already compiled and optimized, so it is ready for development, and the development version, however, contains the output code that will need to be compiled.

Let me add that the development version can be installed with the help of package managers such as bower or composer, and the production version- for further help CDN.

After we acquired the distribution we needed and unpacked it, our version has a production version, let’s take a look at the structure of the program. And so we have three directories: css, js and fonts.

Bootstrap/ ├── css/ │ ├── bootstrap.css │ ├── │ ├── bootstrap.min.css │ ├── │ │ .css │ ├─ ─ │ ├── bootstrap-theme.min.css │ └── ├── js/ │ ├── bootstrap. └── bootstrap.min.js └── fonts/ ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf ├── glyphi regular.woff └── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2

The CSS catalog contains modified versions of CSS (please carry the min prefix with you) It is not modified, but can be read manually and can be modified as the output code. A dzherel card is also provided to the skin file. (Coda) *.map (requirements for better functioning of the browser).

bootstrap.css is the main file, in which you can find everything you need to use bootstrap with such a cool and popular css framework.

bootstrap-theme.css – this is a small theme that re-assigns styles to the main file and adds new views for various components. (It is good practice not to mess around with the output code of libraries and frameworks, so as not to allow a lot of problems to arise that might arise) So bootstrap-theme.css can be used as a good base.

JS also includes two versions of files (minified and not) and have standard plugins (carousel, modal windows, etc.), as well as a small set of tools, the reporting information can be found on the official Bootstrap website in the javascript section.

Now you can print directly connected bootstrap files. Create index.html in the root of our program and set the basic layout, adding our files to it:

Bootstrap 101 Template Hello, world!

Before the tag that closes, add styles: bootstrap.min.css and bootstrap-theme.min.css (Important! the file with styles, which is re-identified with the styles of another file, needs to be placed in the rest, so the file bootstrap-theme.min.css is expanded at the end).

What is the problem with scripts: as you noted, the jQuery library has been added, since bootstrap is too stale, and plugins simply cannot function. The order of connection will be: jquery.min.js, bootstrap.min.js. Why in this order? It's simple: plugins require jquery, just like cars need fuel, so you will need to refuel your car. The last caveat is to include scripts at the very end of the document, before the closing tag, so that the browser does not waste an hour on searching and wiggling, but quickly paints the document.

Axis, power and everything, has lost its ability to replenish the site and add the necessary components, for which you are vikorist

Starting with this article, we have finally adopted the Twetter Bootstrap 3 framework, which is most often used for creating websites, admin panels, landing pages and web add-ons, which will ensure ease of use and understanding. lu the structure and adaptability of the pages.

Installation of the basic Bootstrap 3 template

To use the features and methods of Bootstrap 3, you need to go to the address and download the archives with the css, fonts, js folders and with the type files in the middle of them.

If you don’t know how to include CSS styles and js scripts, I recommend checking out this article, and in our version, CSS styles are connected to sections

and script before the closing tag

at the bottom of the page.

We also want to know that the use of bootstrap.min.css and bootstrap.min.js files will benefit your site, as these files will be smaller in size and will have a positive impact on the visibility.

Connecting fonts can be disabled in two ways:

  • Right next to the HEAD section before the end tag
  • In addition to the CSS files, which are located in the css folder
  • Another option is shorter, even if you didn’t choose any method, connections will be made like this

    @font-face( font-family: glyphicons-halflings-regular; src: url(/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot); src: local(glyphicons-halflings-regular), url(fonts/glyphicons-halflings- regular.ttf);) h2( font-family: glyphicons-halflings-regular,sans-serif; )

    first in the text style for the first method, and all the text in the middle is inserted into the css file for the other.

    jquery installed

    For normal operation of Bootstrap 3, you need to additionally download the jquery library file from the official website and place it in the js folder of your site.

    jquery connections are added before the closing tag

    Cookies make it easier for us to provide you with our services. In addition to our services, you can use cookies.

    just before the bootstrap.js file

    So since jquery is guilty of being enchanted earlier, lower than bootstrap.

    Bootstrap 3 grid and screen sizes

    The basis of Bootstrap is a set of classes, which will have a 12-column grid (col-). Between the mesh there are 5 types of screens -xs- -sm- -md- -lg- -xl-.

    • -xs-screen size less than 575px;
    • -sm-screen size more than 576px and no more than 767 px;
    • -md-screen size more than 768px and no more than 991 px;
    • -lg-screen size more than 992px and no more than 1199 px;
    • -xl-screen size greater than 1200px;

    Thus, a div with class col-lg-12 means that on a screen with a large size, the div column will occupy 12 columns or 100% behind the width, similarly, div col-sm-6 on a smartphone screen will occupy 6 columns or 50% behind the width.

    Types of containers for mesh. Gumovy layout layout

    The main types of containers for mesh are the container and container-fluid classes.

    When the container is placed in the middle, your grid will visually occupy the third screen in the center, all 12 columns will be placed in this window.

    By placing the grid in the container-fluid class, all layout elements will be spread across the entire screen, like humic, and when changed in width, they will collapse one to one.

    There is no specific recommendation for the use of container and container-fluid, since everything depends on the design layout and layout design, however, for the admin panel of the site it is best to set container-fluid, and for the site container.

    In addition, the -fluid class can be combined not only with the container class, but also with the row row, for placing elements in a row. However, if you place the row-fluid in the original container, you won’t notice any difference. A similar combination is best suited for the div.container pose, for example:

    Hi, I'm a Bootstrap 3 template

    My container is not fluid!

    And I'm row-fluid!

    Rows for placing elements

    The row class is used to place grid elements in one row, which allows them to be placed horizontally, but it is necessary to ensure that the sum of the indexes in the row must not be greater than 12, otherwise the remaining element will be displaced by another row.

    Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3

    If you change the size of the browser page, the headings are added to the vertical list from the horizontal row.

    Visibility classes of elements

    The Bootstrap 3 layout system has additional classes for displaying and attaching elements on different devices and screens. They are designated as visible-*-* and hidden-*.

    The class for display is visible-*-* after the first dash, select the screen type identifier (xs, sm, md, lg, xl), and after the other dash, select the size (1-12). For example, visible-lg-6 – the element is visible on the large screen, the width is 6 inches.

    The attachment class is hidden-* after the dash there is an identifier for the screen type (xs, sm, md, lg, xl), for example, a layout element with the hidden-xs class will not be visible on small devices (screen size less than 575px).

    The combination of these elements allows you to display or attach div containers:

    Heading 1 Heading 2

    The first title will be visible on large devices, and the second will be visible on small screens. To do this, change the browser window so that the size becomes similar in width to the screen of a mobile device.

    So in the container div in the class, show or hidden, but in this type of power, the display will not change when you change the screen: it is visible, it is visible, it is visible, if you add it, then only the words hidden for the class allow you to increase the required element.

    Media requests for Bootstrap 3

    In order to use CSS media input, you need to specify the special symbol @media in the css file and the minimum or maximum width of the screen in the arms. Since the initial css format needs to write the screen size in pixels, bootstrap 3 can be written with the following construction:

    @media(min-width: @screen-sm-min)( ... ) @media(min-width: @screen-md-min)( ... ) @media(min-width: @screen-lg- min) (...)

    Replacement of the order of rotation of elements

    Another useful class that allows you to create displacements of blocks in the middle of the container, the push class destroys the element to the right, and the pull class to the left.

    When combining with containers, you can change the order of the remaining containers by changing the screen size. In which case on the large screen (-lg-) Heading 2 is rotated, and Heading 1 is on the right, if you change the width of the screen to the middle size (-md-), the elements will be displaced and the order will become consistent.

    Heading 1 Heading 2

    Let’s finish our knowledge of the Bootstrap 3 layout system by learning how to set script styles for the template, basic grid elements, media input, container types, etc. In the following articles we will look at additional additional elements: menus, buttons, sliders, icons and much more.

    In this lesson we will learn how to implement and connect the Bootstrap framework (version 3 or 4) to the site.

    Set of tools for Bootstrap development

    Minimum set of tools (programs) for creating web projects using the Bootstrap framework:

    • text editor for working with code ("Notepad", "Brackets", "Notepad++" or others);
    • browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.).
    Inspired by the Bootstrap framework

    Having created a web project, the design of which is based on the Bootstrap framework, we are now starting to achieve this goal. You can use the Bootstrap framework in a variety of ways. For example, for help, please contact or the package manager npm, Composer, Bower, or others. How to do this depends on your knowledge or specific situation.

    How to install the Bootstrap framework using package managers, as well as how to create it using Grunt, you can read this article.

    The greatest simply visconati zavantazhenya - it’s quick to get things done. There are 2 posts on the Bootstrap website.

    First of all, we are ready to remove the CSS and JavaScript files. This collection of useful wikis is used for the development of a framework or for vykoristannya in projects, the design of which can be wikipedia in the styles laid down by the authors behind the mind.

    Zavantazhiti Bootstrap 3.4.1 Zavantazhiti Bootstrap 4.3.1

    Another request to take revenge on the framework in the output codes. This version is for manual site development, because allows you to easily change styles, color range of components, change their settings, etc. In addition, the output files, first of all vikoristovat on the site, will need to be compiled and minimized. Consider automating this process, for example, with Gulp.

    Bootstrap 3.4.1 output codes Bootstrap 4.3.1 output codes Unpacking the Bootstrap archive

    Once you have acquired the archive (with the CSS and JavaScript files ready for installation), you need to extract it into the directory of your web project.

    If you take a look at the archives, you will notice that it contains something like this (on Bootstrap 3.4.1):

    Bootstrap/ ├── css/ │ ├── bootstrap.css │ ├── bootstrap.min.css │ ├── bootstrap-theme.css │ └── bootstrap-theme.min.css ├─ ─ ─ bootstrap.js │ └ ─ Bootstrap.min.js └─ ─ fonts/ ├ ─ glyphicons-chalflings-regular.eot ├─ graps-halflings Lings-Segular. woff

    The CSS catalog contains styles for the Bootstrap framework, and JS contains plugins for the implementation of various components. The plugins are written using additional functions of the jQuery library. Therefore, before Bootstrap JS you need to include the jQuery library.

    As you can note, the archive contains 2 versions of CSS and JavaScript files, then. with the suffix min and without nogo. The version of the file with min is in no way different from the version without min, it is simply minimized (compressed).

    In production (on the production site), it is best to use minified versions of files. These files are smaller in size and, therefore, will ensure greater visibility of the site’s pages.

    It is better to avoid minimizing versions during development, as well as for adoption.

    Besides these files, this archive also includes the icon font "Glyphicons". The "Glyphicons" font includes over 250 icons from the "Glyphicon Halflings" set. Representation font for additional 4 files: glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot, glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg, glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf, glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff).

    Such variety of formats for one and the same font is necessary in order to ensure its appearance in all browsers.

    You can read about icons in font format, as well as about those advantages and disadvantages in this article.

    Archives of the Bootstrap 4 framework are practically no different from Bootstrap 3. It is mainly up to you to use the "Glyphicons" font. If you need font icons, you will need to enable them yourself. For example, using one of the available sets: FontAwesome, Octicons, Glyphicons, IcoMoon or others. If you don’t want to change a ready-made font, but create your own, which is made up of the required icons, then use this information as quickly as possible.

    By the way, the Bootstrap 4 archives should also contain the bootstrap-grid.css and bootstrap-reboot.css files. These files are only needed by those who need not the whole framework, but only a part of it.

    The first file (bootstrap-grid.css) contains the Bootstrap grid, and the other (bootstrap-reboot.css) is a normalizer that installs basic styles so that all HTML elements in all browsers are the same.

    Connecting Bootstrap to HTML side

    The process of installing the Bootstrap 3 framework consists of connecting the following files to the HTML 5 side:

  • Bootstrap CSS (bootstrap.min.css);
  • The remaining version of the jQuery library (required for running Bootstrap JS plugins);
  • Bootstrap JavaScript (bootstrap.min.js).
  • Note: It is best to include JavaScript files before the closing body () tag to ensure greater visibility and display of the main content of the web page.


    Connecting to the Bootstrap 4 framework works like this:


    You can also connect Bootstrap 4 using an additional CDN (in which case you do not need to download Bootstrap from the project):



    CDN Bootstrap 3.4.1:


    To check the usefulness of the framework, create a button that will show a popover prompt when touched.

    Bring the cursor to me $(function() ($("").popover((trigger:"hover")); ));

    In this tutorial we download Bootstrap 3.0 from the official website and connect the files to the main page.
    Come on, let's see.

    Lesson 1. To start working with the Bootstrap 3.0 framework, we need to download it. You can buy it on the official website.

    Step 2. Create a folder, for example, “My site on Bootstrap 3.0” and transfer all files from the archive to it. You may have three folders “css”, “js”, “fonts”:

    Croc 3. Remove unnecessary files from Bootstrap 3.
    Let's take a look at the standard Bootstrap file structure and see all the unnecessary files:

    ├── css/
    │ ├── bootstrap.css
    │ ├── bootstrap.min.css
    │ ├── bootstrap-theme.css
    │ └── bootstrap-theme.min.css
    ├── js/
    │ ├── bootstrap.js
    │ └── bootstrap.min.js
    └── fonts/

    CSS folder

    The CSS folder has 6 files, but we, in fact, only need one J.

  • bootstrap.css - this css file contains all ready-made styles in a manual and readable form. This file is the one we need. This is connected to our html file.
  •, - I don’t vikorist these files, because I don’t know why they are needed. You can delete them.
  • bootstrap-theme.css – this is a css file for ready-made Bootstrap themes. You can also kindly see that.
  • bootstrap.min.css and bootstrap-theme.min.css - these are exactly the same files as bootstrap.css (item No. 1) and bootstrap-theme.css (item No. 2), only in a more intangible form that is important to read. The value is approximately 30% less, either bootstrap.css or bootstrap-theme.css . I don’t particularly include them. So, I can see them.
  • As a result, remove the bootstrap.css file from the CSS folder and delete it.

    fonts folder

    The fonts folder stores 4 files with the same font, as well as with different extensions. This is necessary for the font to appear in all browsers. There’s nothing to worry about here, let’s go to the next folder.

    js folder

    The js folder contains 2 files, bootstrap.js and bootstrap.min.js.
    As you already understand, there are two new files, only bootstrap.js is the new version, and bootstrap.min.js is the new version. Let's delete the bootstrap.min.js file.

    Well, the bootstrap.js file is a set of ready-made js scripts.

    ○ Let's look at the pouch for all folders.
    The CSS folder has one file - bootstrap.css
    The fonts folder has several files - glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot, glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf, glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg and glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff.
    The js folder has one file - bootstrap.js.

    ├── css/
    │ └── bootstrap.css
    ├── js/
    │ └── bootstrap.js
    └── fonts/
    ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
    ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
    ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
    └── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff

    Lesson 4. Now in the folder “My site on Bootstrap 3.0” create a file “index.html” with .

    Lesson 5. Open the “index.html” file as a text file and paste the following standard code that appears on the Bootstrap site itself:

    Bootstrap 101 Template Hello, world!

    Whose code needs to make changes to connect bootstrap. We need to write in the code the correct path to the bootstrap.js and bootstrap.css files.

    It will look like this:

    Bootstrap Template on the site Hello, world!

    For row No. 10, we included the bootstrap.css style sheet:

    In row No. 25 we included a file with the "bootstrap.js" scripts:

    In row No. 23 we have connected the jquery library:

    Save the file.

    As a result, you will see the following result in your browser:

    I would also like to say that in addition to Bootstrap files, you can connect your own file with styles, if not necessary. You will learn everything in future lessons. Follow my blog for updates. Boo!


    Hello everyone!
    The time has come to continue learning the basics of “bootstrap 3”.
    Don’t miss the new lessons of the cost-free course on the basics of creating a web site on “bootstrap 3”.
    The time has come for revelation, where to download bootstrap 3 and how to start using it.
    I think for the sake of clarity it’s best to break everything up little by little.
    List of crocs:

  • I love "bootstrap 3"
  • Preparation (unpacking, bagging)
  • Creating the file “index.html” and connecting files
  • Krok 1. Inspired by "bootstrap 3"

    The bootstrap 3 framework can be downloaded freely from my blog:

    Or visit the official website:

    If you have chosen to download from the official website, then when you find it there, click on the message “Download Bootstrap” and indicate the location on your computer where you need to download the archive from “bootstrap 3”:

    Lesson 2. Preparation (unpacking, bagging)

    Now create a folder on your PC where you will conduct research on bootstrap 3 files, which will be your special testing ground for testing and learning the basics of bootstrap 3.
    I'll name the folder "Polygon for bootstrap 3". I recommend calling it the same. So that there would be no differences in our names, and you and I would get along in peace.
    Now, in the folder "Polygon for bootstrap 3" unzip the archive with the "bootstrap 3" files.
    The result in the folder “Polygon for bootstrap 3” contains only three folders “CSS”, “js” and “fonts”:

    Let’s now take a look at the folder in Bootstrap 3 and it’s clear what files are present there and what they are needed for.

    The standard Bootstrap file structure is:

    │ ├── bootstrap.css

    │ ├── bootstrap.min.css

    │ ├── bootstrap-theme.css

    │ └── bootstrap-theme.min.css

    │ ├── bootstrap.js

    │ └── bootstrap.min.js

    └── fonts/

    Please note: if you downloaded Bootstrap 3 from the official website, it is possible that there will be more files.

    "CSS folder"

    bootstrap.css – this css file contains all the ready-made styles. This file is connected to the web page. I delete all other files:

    bootstrap.min.css is the same file as “bootstrap.css”, just this version. Delete the file "bootstrap.min.css".

    bootstrap-theme.css – this is a css file for ready-made Bootstrap themes. Delete the file "bootstrap-theme.css" .

    bootstrap-theme.min.css - the same file as “bootstrap-theme.css”, just the current version. Delete the file "bootstrap-theme.min.css".

    "fonts folder"

    The fonts folder stores files with the latest fonts, as well as with different extensions.
    Here I recommend not to see anything and to deprive everything like that.

    "js folder"

    The js folder has 2 files: "bootstrap.js" and "bootstrap.min.js". These are two new files with a set of ready-made js scripts. The only difference is that bootstrap.js is the same version, bootstrap.min.js is the same version. Delete the file "bootstrap.min.js" .

    After the operation of deleting unnecessary files, you will already have the following “Bootstrap” file structure:

    │ └── bootstrap.css

    │ └── bootstrap.js

    └── fonts/

    ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot

    ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg

    ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf

    └── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff

    Tobto in folders:

    CSS - there is a file "bootstrap.css"
    js - there is a file "bootstrap.js"
    fonts - the files "glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot", "glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg", "glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf", "glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff" are available.

    Lesson 3. Creating the file “index.html” and connecting files

    At the root of the “Polygon for bootstrap 3” folder, create a file “index.html” with the following code:

    Bootstrap 3 to Hello, world!

    Row No. 10 – I include the bootstrap.css file:

    Row No. 25 – I include the bootstrap.js file:

    This is the kind of funny picture you’ll get from your dad “Polygon for bootstrap 3”:

    The axis and all the preparation and connection of "bootstrap 3" to the file "index.html". If you open the file "index.html" through any browser (for example, OPERA, EI, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Yandex browser, etc.), you will see the following page on the screen:

    For nothing special, you don’t have to try “bootstrap 3”, but just connect and just another lesson. You will also see what advantages the Bootstrap 3 Framework has.
    Check out how quickly you can create adaptive websites.
    Hey, subscribe to the new blog! Don't you want to miss new bootstrap 3 lessons?

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