BBS GROUP System integrator. The most advanced supercomputers in the world of modern supercomputers

Supercomputer Titan

People don’t fly to Mars like that, they haven’t thrashed cancer yet, they haven’t explored naphtha deposits. And still, explore the areas where people have reached a significant progress for the rest of the decade. The number of computers is one of them.

The University of Tennessee is publishing the Top-500, in order to propagate the list of the most productive supercomputers in the world.

Trochs jumping ahead, we encourage you to think ahead of time to figure out these numbers: the productivity of the top ten representatives is reduced by dozens of quadrillion flops. For comparison: ENIAC, the first computer in history, 500 flops capacity; Today, an average personal computer can perform at hundreds of gigaflops (million flops), an iPhone 6 can perform at about 172 gigaflops, and a PS4 game console at 1.84 teraflops (trillion flops).

Having reviewed the rest of the "Top 500" in the fall of 2014, the editorial staff of Naked Science decided that they are the 10 most powerful supercomputers in the world, and for the accomplishment of such tasks such a grandiose calculation is needed.

  • Distribution: USA
  • Productivity: 3.57 petaflops
  • Theoretical maximum productivity: 6.13 petaflops
  • Attenuation: 1.4 MW

Like all modern supercomputers, including skins from those presented in this article, CS-Storm is composed of impersonal processors, united into a single counting system based on the principle of mass-parallel architecture. In fact, the system is an impersonal rack (“shaf”) with electronics (nodes that are made up of rich-core processors), which make up the whole corridors.

Cray CS-Storm is the whole series of supercomputer clusters, but one of them is still seen on aphids. Zokrema, the enigmatic CS-Storm, a victorious unit of the United States for unknown purposes and for unknown purposes.

Vіdomo less than those that American officials bought the CS-Storm CS-Storm, which is extremely efficient at a glance (2386 megaflops per 1 watt), from a large number of cores of up to 79 thousand from the American company Cray.

On the site of the compiler, it is said that CS-Storm clusters are suitable for highly productive computations in cybersecurity, geospatial exploration, image recognition, seismic data processing, rendering and machine learning. Here, in this row, perhaps, there was a zastosuvannya of the rank and file CS-Storm.


9. Vulcan - Blue Gene/Q

  • Distribution: USA
  • Productivity: 4.29 petaflops
  • Theoretical maximum productivity: 5.03 petaflops
  • Attenuation: 1.9 MW

The "Volcano" of developments by the American company IBM, belongs to the Blue Gene family and is located in the Livermore National Laboratory named after E. Lawrence. The supercomputer, which belongs to the US Department of Energy, is stored in 24 slots. Functioning cluster rozpochav in 2013 roci.

On the vіdmіnu vіd zgadannogo CS-Storm, the sphere of zastosuvanie "Volcano" well vіdoma - tse rіznі naukі і sledzhennya, including in the gallery of energy, on kshtalt modeling of natural phenomena and analysis of the great number of data.

Various science groups and companies can grant access to the supercomputer upon application, as required to apply to the HPC Innovation Center, which is based at the same Livermore National Laboratory.

Supercomputer Vulcan

8. Juqueen - Blue Gene/Q

  • Roztashuvannya: Nіmechchina
  • Productivity: 5 petaflops
  • Theoretical maximum productivity: 5.87 petaflops
  • Attenuation: 2.3 MW

Since the launch in 2012 of Juqueen, another supercomputer in Europe, and the first - in Germany. Yak and "Volcano", the whole supercomputer cluster of fragmentation by IBM as part of the Blue Gene project, moreover, it dates back to the same generation of Q.

The supercomputer is located in one of the largest recent centers in Europe in Julis. Vykoristovuetsya vіdpovіdno - for highly productive calculations in various scientific achievements.

Supercomputer Juqueen

7. Stampede - PowerEdge C8220

  • Distribution: USA
  • Productivity: 5.16 petaflops
  • Theoretical maximum productivity: 8.52 petaflops
  • Attenuation: 4.5 MW

Stampede, which is located in Texas, is the only one in the first ten Top-500 clusters, which was developed by the American company Dell. The supercomputer is made up of 160 pieces.

This supercomputer is the most intense in the world of the middle of the world, which zastosovyvaetsya vinyatkovo z doslidnitskoy metoy. Access to strains Stampede for scientific groups. The cluster is victorious in the widest range of scientific fields - in the form of advanced tomography of the human brain and the transfer of earth cowards to the manifestation of patterns in music and current structures.

Supercomputer Stampede

6. Piz Daint - Cray XC30

  • Distribution: Switzerland
  • Productivity: 6.27 petaflops
  • Theoretical maximum productivity: 7.78 petaflops
  • Attenuation: 2.3 MW

The Swiss National Supercomputer Center (CSCS) boasts Europe's toughest supercomputer. Piz Daint, named so in honor of the Alpine Mountains, has been expanded by the Cray company and belongs to the XC30 family, which is the most productive.

Piz Daint zastosovuetsya for various future purposes for the computer simulation of the high energy physics room.

Supercomputer Piz Daint

5. Mira - Blue Gene/Q

  • Distribution: USA
  • Productivity: 8.56 petaflops
  • Theoretical maximum productivity: 10.06 petaflops
  • Attenuation: 3.9 MW

Supercomputer "Miru" was expanded by IBM in the framework of the Blue Gene project in 2012. In addition to the highly productive calculation of the Argonne National Laboratory, in which the cluster is being developed, it was created with the help of sovereign finance. It is worth noting that the growing interest in supercomputer technologies from the side of Washington, for example, the 2000s and the beginning of the 2010s, is explained by the super-science in China.

Raztashovaniya on 48 risers Mira vikoristovuєtsya for scientific purposes. For example, the supercomputer is designed for climate and seismic modeling, which allows to take more accurate data on the transfer of earthquakes and climate change.

Supercomputer Mira

4. K computer

  • Distribution: Japan
  • Productivity: 10.51 petaflops
  • Theoretical maximum productivity: 11.28 petaflops
  • Attenuation: 12.6 MW

Distributed by Fujitsu and researched at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Kobe, K Computer is the only Japanese supercomputer that is present in the first ten Top-500.

Just in time (early 2011), this cluster, having taken the first position in the rating, has become the most productive computer in the world for one time. And in the fall of 2011, the rock of K Computer became the first in history, which was far away from reaching the tightness over 10 petaflops.

The supercomputer wins at the bottom of the preslidnitsky zavdan. For example, for predicting natural disasters (which is relevant for Japan through the increased seismic activity of the region and the high volatility of the edge at times of tsunami) and computer modeling in the medical closet.

Supercomputer K

3. Sequoia - Blue Gene/Q

  • Distribution: USA
  • Productivity: 17.17 petaflops
  • Theoretical maximum productivity: 20.13 petaflops
  • Attenuation: 7.8 MW

The most advanced of the four supercomputers of the Blue Gene / Q family, which has gone up to the first ten in the rating, has been traded in the United States in the Livermore National Laboratory. IBM developed Sequoia for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) as it required a high-performance computer for a very specific purpose - nuclear vibration simulation.

Varto guess what the real nuclear testing of fences was in 1963, and computer simulation is one of the most acceptable options for continuing to live near the gallery.

However, the tightness of the supercomputer was victorious for the accomplishment of other, obviously noble tasks. For example, the cluster was able to set productivity records in the cosmological model, and to create the electrophysiological model of the human heart.

Supercomputer Sequoia

2.Titan - Cray XK7

  • Distribution: USA
  • Productivity: 17.59 petaflops
  • Theoretical maximum productivity: 27.11 petaflops
  • Attenuation: 8.2 MW

The most productive of the supercomputers created at Sunset, as well as the most advanced computer cluster under the Cray brand, is located in the United States at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Regardless of those supercomputer, which is in the order of the US Department of Energy, officially available for any scientific research, at the same time in 2012, if Titan was launched, the number of applications outweighed all borders.

Through this, a special commission was called in the Oukridzhsky laboratory, as out of 50 applications, it selected only 6 of the most "advanced" projects. Among them, for example, modeling the behavior of neutrons at the very heart of a nuclear reactor, as well as predicting global climate changes in the next 1-5 years.

Irrespective of its size and size (404 square meters), Titan was not long on the pedestal. Already in the first year after the triumph at the leaf fall of 2012, the pride of the Americans in the sky of highly productive numbers was unstoppable, having beaten the previous leaders in the rating without precedent.

Supercomputer Titan

1. Tianhe-2 / Chumatsky Way-2

  • Distribution: China
  • Productivity: 33.86 petaflops
  • Theoretical maximum productivity: 54.9 petaflops
  • Attenuation: 17.6 MW

From the moment of its first launch of "Tianhe-2", or "Milky Way-2", the axis is already close to two years and the leader of the Top-500. Whose monster may be more productive than number 2 in the rating is the TITAN supercomputer.

The Defense Science and Technology University of the People's Volunteer Army of the People's Republic of China and the company Inspur, "Tianhe-2" are divided into 16 thousand nodes from the total number of nuclei from 3.12 million. The operational memory of the colossal structure, which occupies 720 square meters, becomes 1.4 petabytes, and the memory of the add-on - 12.4 petabytes.

"Chumatsky Way-2" was designed with the initiative of the Chinese order, there is nothing surprising in the fact that it is unprecedented to serve, call on everything, consume the power. It was officially announced that the supercomputer is engaged in various modeling, analysis of the great amount of data and security of the sovereign security of China.

Looking at the secrecy, the power of the PRC's military projects, one is left with little more guesswork, as if oneself stosuvannya otrimu "Chumatsky Way-2" in the hands of the Chinese army.

Supercomputer Tianhe-2

In the rest of the company's lives, the creation of computers works tirelessly. As a result, the quantity of technology in the world grows in geometric progress.

Newest computers

Not long ago the world did not know about DirectX10, and the graphics of FarCry or NFS Underground 2 were considered the pinnacle of computer capabilities. Once the disk, which has a capacity of 600 megabytes of information, was seen as a marvel of technology, and at the same time, terabyte memory cards are sold for free access.

In the field of supercomputers, there may be the same ones. In 1993, University of Tennessee professor Jack Dongarra came up with the idea of ​​creating a ranking of the most powerful computers in the world. From that hour, the list, which is called TOP500, is being updated on the river: at the red and falling leaves.

Hour ide, and the leaders in the rating of supercomputers on the cob of the 90s are already godlessly outdated behind the worlds of ordinary coristuvachiv PCs. So, the first in 1993 was the CM-5/1024, selected by Thinking Machines: 1024 processors with a clock frequency of 32 MHz, an estimated speed of 59.7 gigaflops - three times faster for a sizable 8-core PC under your desk. And which computer is the best today?

Sunway Taihu Light

More than five years ago, the palm tree for sweating was steadily trimmed by the super-EOM of the United States. In 2013, the leadership was overtaken by the Chinese leaders, who care about everything, they don’t take yoga.

At the moment, the strongest computer in the world is Sunway TaihuLight (at the crossbar - "The divine power of the light of Taihu Lake"), a grandiose machine with a speed of 93 petaflops (the maximum speed is 125.43 petaflops). Tse is 2.5 times tighter than the previous record holder - the Tianhe-2 supercomputer, which was the most difficult fate until black 2016.

“Sunway Taihulight” has 10.5 million cores (40,960 processors, dermal processors have 256 and 4 cores each).

This is how the hottest computer of 2016 looks like

Everything is broken and broken in China, just like the processors of the past most advanced computer were broken by the American company Intel. The price of Sunway TaihuLight is estimated at $270 million. The supercomputer is located at the Wuxi National Supercomputing Center.

Record holder of past fates

Until early 2016 (and the TOP500 list is updated with worms and leaf fall), the most powerful and most visible computer was the Tianhe-2 supermachine (at the translation of the Chinese "Chumatsky Way"), expanded in China on the basis of the Defense Science and Technology University in Changsha for help Inspur.

The intensity of Tianhe-2 ensures the safety of 2507 trillion operations per second (33.86 petaflops per second), peak productivity is 54.9 petaflops. Chinese technology has stunned its rating from the moment it was launched in 2013 - a uniquely significant show!

Supercomputer Tianhe-2

The characteristics of Tianhe-2 are as follows: 16 thousand nodes, 32 thousand 12-core processors Intel Xeon E5-2692 and 48 thousand 57-core processors Intel Xeon Phi 31S1P, which means 3,120,000 cores in total; 256,000 4 GB DDR3 RAM sticks leather and 176,000 8 GB GDDR5 sticks – 2,432,000 GB of RAM. The volume of a hard drive is over 13 million GB. However, you can't play on the new one - the number of assignments is switched on for calculating, there is no video card installed on "Chumatsky Way-2". Zokrema, help with rozrahunka for laying the subway and forget the city.


For a long time at the top of the rating, Jaguar is a supercomputer from the USA. What are the faults of others and why is this technical advance?

The supercomputer under the name Jaguar is made up of a large number of independent centers, divided into two parts - XT4 and XT5. In the rest of the division, there are exactly 18,688 counting averages. At the skin center, two six-core AMD Opteron 2356 processors with a frequency of 2.3 GHz, 16 GB of DDR2 RAM, as well as a SeaStar 2+ router, were worn out. To create one middle part of this division would be used in order to create the most advanced computer for gaming. The distribution has a total of 149504 number of cores, a large amount of operational memory - more than 300 TB, as well as a productivity of 1.38 Petaflops and more than 6 Petabytes of disk space.

Folding computer monster

The XT4 retailer has 7832 cores. They have modest characteristics, lower in the front XT5 partition: leather in the middle, one six-core processor with a frequency of 2.1 GHz, 8 GB of RAM and a SeaStar 2 router. peak productivity TFLOPS and more than 600 TB of disk space. The Jaguar supercomputer runs on the state-of-the-art operating system Cray Linux Environment.

At the back of the Jaguar is another computer, the brainchild of IBM - Roadrunner. The most powerful enumeration monster building virakhovuvat up to 1000 000 000 000 operations per second. Vіn buv razrobleniya specifically for the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration in Los Alamos (or the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration). For the help of this supercomputer, they planned to control the operation of all nuclear installations deployed in the United States.

The peak speed of data processing at the Road Runner is close to 1.5 petaflops. Let's talk about the enormous intensity of 3456 original tri-blade servers, which can achieve close to 400 billion operations per second (that's 400 gigaflops). Nearly 20 thousand high-performance dual-core processors - 12960 Cell Broadband Engine and 6948 AMD Opteron, the brainchild of IBM itself, were sold in the middle of Roadrunner. Such a supercomputer has a system memory of 80 terabytes.

How much space does it occupy such a marvel of technology? The car was refurbished on an area that is 560 square meters. And all the government is packed to the department on the server of the original architecture. Usі obladnannya important close to 23 tons. Also, for this transportation, the officials of the national administration from nuclear safety need at least 21 oversized tractors.

A couple of words about those who are petaflops. One petaflop is roughly the equivalent of 100,000 daily laptops. If you try to reveal, then they can hang the road for a long time, two and a half kilometers. One more thing is available: the entire population of the planet will stretch 46 years for additional calculators in the calculation of labor time, like the strength of the Roadrunner in one day. And to show how little Sunway TaihuLigh, the leader of our rating, needs?


In 2012, the Office of the United States Department of Energy's Oakridge National Laboratory launched the Titan supercomputer, with 20 petaflops of insurance coverage, so that you can perform quadrillion operations with a floating coma in one second.

The Titan was developed by the Cray company. Okrim "Titan" American fahivtsі for the rest of the rock has built two more supercomputers. One of them - Mira - is intended for industrial and scientific needs, and for the help of others - Sequoia - is used to model the testing of nuclear weapons. Behind these retailers is the IBM Corporation.

The most powerful computer in Russia

Unfortunately, the Russian distribution company Lomonosiv-2, recognized by the most advanced computer in Russia, is no longer in the 41st place of the TOP500 (the camp is on the heart of 2016). Vіn is based at the scientific and computational center of MDU. The pressure of a domestic supercomputer is 1.849 petaflops, the peak is close to 2.5 petaflops. Number of cores: 42,688.

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What color is your mobile phone? Vіn black, red, white, golden or blue? Nayimovіrnіshe, the back part of your phone can be a one-color variant, which you will find in the kit for chats. Most of the phone callers needed a good hour too early to understand that the colors of the phones are really important for the buyers, and more recently, the stench began to give mobile phones not only the rare vicarious colors, but also the chimeric colors, the so-called coral canary.

New Honor: With the new 3D holographic color phones from Honor, it became possible to add a little bit of new color to life.

It's not surprising that most people don't mind attaching the back panels of their phones behind the opaque plastic case. In vipadki, koristuvach can choose a different color case for the phone, to give the mobile a touch of individuality. And the new Chinese phones of the Honor 20 Pro and Honor 20 series are the first smartphones in the world with a three-dimensional dynamic holographic design, and their light-colored soundness can become the new Galuze standard.

"Make it better" is the motto of the company. Imovirno, this motto is to talk about those who are supposed to reach the Galuze standard, just experimenting with farby balls when creating a new skin model phone.

Kolorova 3D-holography for the phone.

In order for the body of the phone to reach the unimaginable optical illusion, the Honor maker has expanded its Honor 20 model with a clay ball, to avenge millions of unimaginable microscopic prisms, and on top of the titles there is a ball of a curved 3D-skla. When these technologies sound brightly "play and dance" on the back panel of the phone, if the koristuvach turns it in different sides.

Two colors for the Honor 20 phone can be found under dynamic balls, midnight black and sapphire blue. On the vіdmіnu vіd newfangled collocations for deyaky kolorіv phone, the mobile Honor є kolіrnі gradієnі for telіvіvі, yakі dіysno vykljayut appearing to the effect of a deadly night sky or a deadly expensive stone.

If you want the color options of the cases to sound hospitable, you can go even further from the Chinese phone Honor 20 Pro. The model has been modernized to avenge the company "Consider a 3D grid" to avenge three balls. Instead, you can simply fill the back panel of the phone, which once with a ball of color to the body, tint between the outer 3D-ball and the inner ball of the depth. As it appears to be a picker of telephones, to rob the effects of the use of a richly dynamic color.

The Honor 20 Pro mobile phone is actively sold in two colors, such as phantom black (Phantom Black) and phantom blue (Phantom Blue). If you want to name these colors in the phone not so metaphorical, do not think that these back panels are less dynamic.

The impact of Honor in choosing the right colors can be supernaturally dramatic, but, for example, in the UK, the experience of hundreds of Britons showed that forty-nine hundred of them change the color when choosing a phone for purchase.

Why bother selling by phone with a range of colors, what changes?

Choose a mobile phone, as Honor designer Jun-Su Kim said, tse "Prodovzhennya life of a person." In fact, Honor is saying that customer identity cannot be enveloped in one unchanging color.

The history of the creation of Honor color phones.

The Honor 20 model demonstrates the natural evolution of the company's experiments with a dynamic color for the design phone. From the Honor 8 model, the trend of a 2.5D type bagato-ball back wall has begun, which creates the effect of a 3D lattice. Then the version of Honor 9 turned into a phone with a curved 3D fold, which you can already know in the Honor 20 model. Well, the Honor 10 model was equipped with an Aurora rear fold, which seemed to show colors from the sides.

What is the wine screen of the Honor phone?

Design innovations of Honor are not limited by the color of the phone. Please pay attention to the rearrangement of the Honor 20 camera. The virobnik of the phone opens with a diameter of 4.5 mm at the top left corner of the screen, thereby filling up more screen space for the needs of the coristuvach.

A camera with a piece of intelligence or an AI camera in a phone.

According to the description of the phone, it means that on the back of the device, the AI-camera of Honor 20 can be activated and re-stashed, so you have more space for the battery with a large amount of memory. And last but not least, there is a 48-megapixel camera, which uses the Kirin 980 AI microchip for taking DSLR photos and reducing photos.

Summary about the colors of the Honor phone.

As a result, I will describe the phone, the technical complexity and the advanced hardware innovations - those that sound like respect for Chinese Honor phones. But, in this way, the technology may be obscured by the design of the case with unique challenges, so you might not want to turn to simple two-world colors in a phone in the future.

Continue to vindicate for a bit about the release of the Google Pixel 4 mobile phone. behind the topic of new products, such images are missed out of respect. Tim, for an hour, for deyakyh analysts, a new picture helps to grow a sprat, not only about the color of the phone.

The new, unofficial image of the Google Pixel 4 gives rise to a bit about the color options for the mobile phone case.

If you want more pictures of the body of the phone, I guess, do not show more, but those that have already been discussed on the Internet earlier, the model can be shown in the background of the photo, marveling at the color. That mobile phone may show purple, which was not previously the case with the Pixel model.

In another place, there will be and in the future the same Google Pixel 4 with "three phones" (options), folded together. Є white and black color plus the third may black color, which deyaki call m'yato-green color. Would you like to buy a black color phone? Imovirno, naming the colors on the phone will still be changed.

What a bi vitik about the color of the phone is not true, but let's have mercy, you can take advantage of the success of the new Google Pixel 4, which is an unparalleled matimum of the additional color. More clicky, on the pictured physical buttons on the sides of the phones contrast with the body color. You can use white, blue and yellow buttons to make the phone look funny.

For some wondrous reason, all the images that are marked dos were only showing the back panel of the Google Pixel 4 smartphone. Bulo visible block podvіynoї camera.

The photo wrapping around the coil, including the images together with the cases, shows the rear panel of various colors and the module with the camera. And you, how do you know, which color is better for the phone?

Specifications of Google Pixel 4:

Obviously, the idea of ​​a fingerprint scanner does not leave the fans at peace. Deyakі want, schob the phone has an identifier for unlocking the phone, or a fingerprint scanner on the display, or both at the same time.

Other aspects and technical characteristics, such as the expansion of telephones and the whole body, are 8.2 mm higher than 7.9 mm, which can be played in Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, can be taken as close to reality.

Assuming that the versions of the Google Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL phone may be more similar to the Apple iPhone 11, which is planned to be released in a couple of months, in the fall. When, exactly? Technological company Google has not yet announced the official date for the release of Pixel 4, but different times are pushing for the release of a new phone like Zhovtnya.

The robot has set a light record for picking the Rubik's Cube. This robot was disassembled by students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Jared Di Carlo and Ben Katz, at the student laboratory. For comparison, the best human record is won by the Australian Felix Zemdegs, who in 2018 won the Rubik's Cube in less than 4.22 seconds. Before speech, the Rubik's Cube of the original size may have 43 quintillions of possible combinations for one solution. See the video of the record-breaking robot below.

Novelties in robotics: MIT's nimble robot wins the Rubik's Cube, investing in the world's record hour - 0.38 seconds.

The hearts of the rich have a special place for the Rubik's Cube. Tse miraculous warm-up for the intellect. Someone who loves to love dosі grati z tsієyu ingenial іgrashkoyu, and protyagіv dovgіh roіv bіlіch konkuіnіv, vyprobuvan іt variаtsіy vyprіshennya zі zbirannya Rubik's Cube.

The popularity of the Rubik's Cube can be explained by the simplicity of its construction in the case of a puzzle with a dazzling folding.

The new record for folding the Rubik's Cube 3x3x3.

Engineers and enthusiasts victoriously won robots for picking Rubik's Cubes. Previously, 10 seconds was respected by swedish folds, and for today's standards of the digital century - the whole hour calls out a smile.

The new record would be less than an hour away when the robotics engineers started working on how to create a new robot. Back in 2016, the robot set a new record for picking the Rubik's Cube in 0.637 seconds. Ale, for deyaky enthusiasts, this hour was not enough swidden.

Recently, two MIT students, Jared Di Carlo (third-year electrical and computer science student) and Ben Katz (machinery graduate student), thought they could get a bigger spritz robot that could solve a puzzle with a trivi- mer combination.

The stinks looked at the videos of the previous robots, and remembered that the robots' dviguns were not the best seen, as it was possible to win for the accomplishment of the task. Axis and thought that they could achieve greater success with smaller engines and controls.

How the robot picks the Rubik's Cube

The students installed a dvigun to bring the skin side of the Rubik's Cube to the skin, electronically cured. For the help of a bet of webcams, directed to the cube, special software ensures that the cob mill of the skin side of the cube (like colors, on the same face of the cube at a given moment of time). Then, relying on the otriman information, vikoristovuyuchi already using software for folding the Rubik's Cube, the robot algorithm solves puzzles.

What is the result of the work? Your robot solves the Rubik's Cube in 0.38 seconds! It can be said with confidence that a human being is physically unable to break the record for the highest speed. You can add one more step to the list of robots that will turn people around.

Є man, yak may be the best light record of hand folding, yogo im'ya Feliks Zemdegs. Win zmіg pick up the Rubik's Cube in 4.22 seconds. Vminnya that talents, yakі vytіnyatyut robo, vіnі і raznomanіtnі, yakshko not to say more. Not to mention those who can still wonder. They gave a video demonstration of the robot.

Video review of the Rubik's Cube selection in 0.38 seconds:

So, hardware hackers, Ben Katz and Jared Di Carlo at once, broke the previous record for the robotic Rubik's Cube. Your robot has solved the puzzle for 40 inches, lower than the front record.

Details about the work of the record holder

Robotic attachments for Kollmorgen ServoDisc U9 series engines, PlayStation Eye cameras (for cube scanning) and Rubik's Cube. Behind the words of the authors of the robot, - "The entire program process takes about 45 milliseconds. More than an hour is spent on acknowledging the webcam driver and designating colors on the sides of the Rubik's Cube."

The next group of piece intelligence Facebook Inc. introduced a new platform for robotics called PyRobot. This platform (framework) was developed at the same time by the successors of Carnegie Mellon University. PyRobot is called upon to help past students and students in the field of piece intelligence to integrate deep learning models, creating for the help of the PyTorch platform (the library of machine learning for my Python programming), with robots, like stinks. The basic idea lies in the fact that they can easily create their own robots, vikoristovuyuchi beginners of piece intelligence, so like a processing of natural movie.

New in the World of Robots II (AI): Facebook introduces the PyRobot robotics platform, a code-based framework for robot control.

The Facebook company stated that it would like to take advantage of the advanced achievements in the field of robotics, in order to assist in the development of piece-wise intelligence systems, so that they can learn more efficient interactions with the physical world.

Earlier, in order to stimulate the development of piece intelligence models, the company introduced the PyTorch Hub.

What is PyRobot today

PyRobot is a lightweight, high-quality interface that is independent of hardware-based API-interface for robotic manipulation and navigation. The PyRobot repository also avenges the low stack LoCoBot, an inexpensive hardware platform for mobile manipulators. Now piece intelligence and machine learning is becoming available for beginners in robotics.

Science writer Abinav Gupta ta Saurabh Gupta, as a Facebook science explorer, explained in his own words that: PyRobot is a lightweight high-speed interface on top of the robot's operating system. We are pleased to recruit hardware-independent APIs of the middle level (application programming interface) for handling by various robots. PyRobot abstracts from details about low-level controllers and inter-processes, so machine learning and others can simply focus on the creation of high-level additives for robotics with II (piece intelligence).

Dzherelo Facebook also says that PyRobot has dozens of potential add-ons, for example, helping successors to exchange money, set targets, and spire to the robot one by one. The company asked for proposals for a broader recent development II about how to democratize robotics for the help of LoCoBot and PyRobot, how to specify hardware security, and how to create inexpensive robots.

PyRobot uses a hacking API to abstract the functions that the robots are responsible for hacking. Seek the task, like kinematics, trajectory planning, follow the positions, swidkistyu and the turning point for the day, as well as visual one-hour localization and mapping. PyRobot comes with a number of front-mounted models of deep learning that allow robots to orientate themselves, mumble objects, and so on.

This means that retailers can program their robots with less than a line of Python code, Facebook says.

More successes from Facebook seem to be: The versatility of hardware security and the complexity of specialized software security intersect the scale of the legacy of the robotics department. Looming the lower barriers for the entrance, the next ones can, for example, create a sprinkling of robots, so that they can collect data in parallel. Nadayuchi zagalnu platform for raznomanitnogo obladnannya. PyRobot has created to the development of tests in robotics, similarly to other areas in the second and fourth quarters, it is important to mark the pace of progress in robotics with piece intelligence.

Like Amazon's RoboMaker tool, PyRobot works like an interface on top of a Robot Operating System (ROS), expanding infrastructure. At the grassroots tech company Microsoft released a set of tools for robotics with a forward look, and recently integrated the ROS platform in Windows 10.

The famous analyst and author of forecasts for Apple smartphones, Ming-Chi Kuo, is insanely able to be the most important source of information about Apple products. Today, having released a new recent sound from Mac Rumors, de vine is guessing about the future of the iPhone, and if we can figure out that Apple is about to switch to smartphones with 5G support (fifth generation mobile communication).

Bits and pieces of new technology: Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicts that Apple will release a 5G iPhone in 2020

If Apple was still planning to use Intel modems on its iPhones, it was a little bit that the iPhone 2020 model would be the first, as it would take off the 5G connection. At that time, the "apple" company switched from its modem provider to Qualcomm. For which he had a chance to earn a patent for an American microchip maker, pay less than 4.5 billion dollars and not win with Intel modems. Perhaps Intel has closed its plans for the development of 5G due to new developments.

According to analyst Kuo Ming-Chi, the release of a new version of the iPhone 5G mobile phone is right behind the schedule. We do not care that Apple announces the departure of the iPhone 5G in 2020. Kuo also suspects that the 5.4-inch iPhone model will also support the 5G modem on the 6.7-inch iPhone. There is a push to update the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max smartphones.

Ming-Chi Kuo also said that all three iPhone models in 2020 will be presented in a number of colors and equipped with an OLED screen, as well as an LCD screen (LCD) in the lower iPhone XR. However, for some reason, we still consider the upgrade of the iPhone XR with a PK display, so the OLED screen in a mobile phone may be too big for you, maybe, check the Rick.

5G iPhone competitors:

Today our biggest competitors on Android systems and upcoming 5G phones are:

1) Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5G (128 GB memory, 6 GB RAM and a battery with a manual charger);

2) OPPO Reno 5G (innovative design, affordable price, tight camera);

3) LG V50 ThinQ (screen 1440 by 3120 pixels, memory expansion up to 1 TB, battery 4000 mAh);

4) OnePlus 7 Pro 5G (frameless AMOLED screen cannot be opened).

A little bit of news about the crypto-currency market. In the second half, Facebook has publicly planned for the upcoming river, and in the middle of them - an ambitious release of a new digital currency called Libra (or Libra). It will be managed by the association, which is formed from corporate investors. Partners are payment companies Visa, Mercado Pago, PayPal, Mastercard and Stripe. Technological companies Uber, eBay, Spotify and Lyft are joining the project. European telecommunications companies Vodafone and Iliad will also take part in the new project. Investors Union Square Ventures and Andreessen Horowitz, plus academic, non-profit installers Womens World Banking and Kiva.

Facebook has unveiled a new project Calibra, a digital coin for saving and managing Libra "crypto coins".

It turns out that through their mobile programs, billions of people can make payments for additional cryptocurrency from the social media giant Facebook. Facebook is planning to officially launch a new Libra cryptocurrency project in 2020. Libra is a price new type of digital pennies, which are intended for billions of people, which are covered by mobile programs and social networks.

Popular social media Facebook is still new to the world of cryptocurrency.

The idea of ​​creations is a new digital gambler, which will allow the koristuvachs of the Facebook programs to save and exchange cryptocurrency. Facebook Creates New Subsidiary Calibra

Should Facebook bet on cryptocurrency for the name Libra? It is possible to have a high meta novіtnoї rozrobki, vyyti mezhі social merezh.

Digital money for saving, managing and redeeming the Libra cryptocurrency will be connected to notification exchange platforms.

Cryptocurrency will be available on the Facebook Messenger/WhatsApp add-on, and, most importantly, in four add-ons for iOS and Android.

The Facebook press release states that: "It's easy to allow Calibra on the back and moderate it for the low price of Libra - it's practical for anyone who has a smartphone."

It is also said that: "Supplementary services for the enterprises of those people will be offered for a year. For example, buying a cup of caviar with a scanned code, paying for the money to the press of a button, a trip on a public transport without the need to take cooking with you."

Facebook cryptocurrency security.

For the promotion of the security of the new cryptocurrency, there are similar functions of verification and protection against shakhraystvo, which are already victorious with credit cards and banks. Cryptocurrency service Facebook mother pidtrimka koristuvach. And on the way of denying access to the official record of the coristuvach, someone else is expected to release the spent assets.

Cryptocurrency coins are saved as cashbacks from the digital currency. Ale, the light of cryptocurrency itself is not stable! It’s time to show you how to help people with the power of digital Facebook pennies to save, manage and master them with the same simplicity, as if textual reminders are being strengthened.

Cryptocurrency is managed by founding members: Facebook, more than two dozen different organizations and the Swiss Foundation.

Why Libra?

What does the word Libra mean?

PayPal's biggest clerk, David Markus, who is an amazing Facebook project, said something like this: "Select the name of Libra (Terezi) for the greatest reasons, and the French word Freedom, the Roman vimir of vaga, the astrological sign of justice."

What would you like to know about Facebook Libra cryptocurrencies?

The remaining concept of the mobile phone iPhone may be the designer's greatest clue. Ale, you can wait, the new version of the iPhone 11 looks gaudy. So, instead of a metal frame that runs in the middle of the case, the inspirational designer Hasan Kaymak (of "DBHK Hasan Kaymak Innovations") has created a bright, colorful screen that wraps around a mobile phone on the side and adding a camera on the back side of the concept. Marvel at the video below, like such a concept iPhone 11 looks wonderful.

Latest on technology and design: Chaleno beautiful concept of the iPhone 11 with an innovative, colorful, curved screen.

Tech giant Apple to release the iPhone 11 in the nearest spring. If everyone is sensitive to the truth, then a multimedia phone can have such a very design, like the rest of two generations of the phone. As for the rest of the design of the iPhone 11, we're ready to accept what Apple's designers have to say. And we can't stop showing what could have been, like technology allowed to create any design of the iPhone 11. I'm the same ones that even talented designers can shy away from. How many times has the concept of the iPhone 11 been created, as if all the buttons are on the surface of an immersive curved screen on a phone.

In the implementation of a similar design, the iPhone comes out with a beautiful smog, which shines like a stretch of a mobile phone and replaces the physical buttons of a good quality and the power button. Following this philosophy of design allows you to take the iPhone with screen icons on the side.

Even if the phone looks beautiful, there is absolutely no chance that the concept will become a reality. In addition, the zahist of such a phone for the help of a case is impossible, the shards, curling the screen space, the case will take away some of its main functions. It should be noted that a similar phone fell flat on the ground, the repair of a bent screen would be a better choice for a coristuvach, lower for a classic version of the screen.

It seems that the new iPhone 11 has a bright screen under the sun.

It is clear that there are three models in the iPhone 11 2019 line, like the past fate. It is possible to have two OLED phones and one with an LCD screen. iPhone 11 and 11 Max models can have different OLED screens, as well as 5.8 and 6.5-inch screen sizes. Possibly, the iPhone 11R model will be equipped with a PK-display, to reduce the price to a minimum.

Please note that the newer versions of the iPhone 11 and 11 Max will have a new camera configuration, just like the iPhone 11R version will update to the undermount camera. In essence, it means that all three mobile phones can have an additional rear camera.

It is expected that the front part of the iPhone 11 line will be left unchanged, and there will be no uniform in the size of the version. Tim is no less, recent reports confirm that the identification of an individual can be improved, as it is possible to authenticate a koristuvach under some kind hosts.

A video look at the iPhone 11 concept with an innovative, curved screen on the side:

Seeing the creator of this video, the new frameless iPhone 11 instantly bi-mati technical characteristics:

6.4" full screen display;
- Attached front 13MP camera;
- Chotiri cameras, 8K @ 120 FPS;
- New operating system Apple, iOS 13;
- Mobile chip Apple A13 Bionic (up to eight times 8 times for chip A12 Bionic).

WWDC is a large-scale visit to Apple for retailers. Every hour Apple informs retailers and experts about new versions of MacOS and iOS operating systems, its new tools for distribution, about the rest of the software, attachments. Talk about plans for further stimulation of further development, about new partnerships with retailers, and about other details, over which won't work. So it turns out that the IT conference Apple WWDC 2019 is the perfect chance, the first to know that it will be new programs for iOS and MacOS systems and not only.

The rest of the innovations and technologies: At the same time, you know about everything new announcing the conference of retailers WWDC.

Also, the WWDC conference for the technological world of macOS, iOS and more has begun this year. On the very cob, the biggest interest before discussing with the corystuvachs was the announcement of an expensive and tight Mac Pro computer with a Pro Display XDR screen (32 inches, wide frames, 6K / 6016x3384 Pixels, LCD HDR, clarity up to 1600 threads, typically 1000 nits, plus 1-bit depth of color and wide color range of P3, contrast ratio of a million to one, for a look at the bottom of the polarized cover of the anti-bliss). You can smoothly heal the screen behind the tower up to 25 degrees. It's amazing that the support for the new screen is an additional option (the counter-stand turns into a portrait option), as it is also expensive. The price for the new Mac Pro is $6,000, the price for a high-definition 6K screen is $4,999, and the price for a screen stand is $999.

Ale, not less than an artist, at the WWDC demonstration room, the new Mac Pro computer has won great respect.

The CPUs included a Xeon processor from Intel with up to 28 cores, large L2, L3 caches, and 64 PCI Express lanes, 6 channels of ECC super-memory, and 12 physical six-channel DIMM slots for securing 1.5 TB of internal memory. Connected via Thunderbolt 3 socket (up to six displays can be connected in series). The Apple Afterburner hardware card for film editing allows processing three streams of 8K ProRes RAW frames, as well as 12 streams of 4K PRRes RAW. 300 W exhaustion. In other words, a Mac Pro computer for professional editing of video and media content can process more than 6 billion pixels per second.

The Mac Pro supports two Radeon Pro Vega II Duo MPX modules. Productivity up to 56 Teraflops is ensured by 4 graphics processors, as well as 128 GB of memory with a high throughput building. For easier access to the components, the aluminum housing can be removed. Access to the computer's lock will be announced in autumn.

List of new technologies, software and gadgets from Apple WWDC:

OTOY unveiled Octane X graphics processor for MacOS and iOS at WWDC.

Providna firm at the gallery of graphic processors, OTOY Inc. created the Octane X processor for the all-new Mac Pro and the last generation iPad Pro.

OTOY Inc. CEO, Jules Urbach, said, "Octane X will bring unparalleled productivity to the new Mac Pro, bringing a whole new level of interactive and interactive rendering to GPUs for cinema, TV, video, and AR/VR."

The Octane X GPU-engine accurately complies with the laws of physics and light. I create photorealistic computer graphics in real time, it's as simple as the process of capturing with a real camera. Tse means that the mimics of the rendering gallery can paint the final frames so quickly, as only they can create them.

Octane X supports 3D creation software for macOS: Autodesk Maya, Blender, Unity, SketchUp, Unreal, USD View, Lightwave, C4D, Modo, Poser, Nuke and Houdini.

Octane X for iOS is a newer option as an add-on for host rendering with Octane X for macOS. When connected to a decentralized layer of visualization of graphic processors, the renderer is rendered in the shade.

Known edition of Octane X will be available to hard-core Macs, for all intents and purposes. A fully commercial Octane X Enterprise Edition will be available to those who buy a new Mac Pro as a cost-free license.

Options for the new Apple MacOS Catalina.

Among the new features of the version of MacOS (Catalina) is the ability to twist the iPad as an additional display (for the additional Sidecar software, via cable or wireless Bluetooth connection). Also, additional voice control and activation blocking for Mac. Plus, Apple announced that the legendary iTunes program will be divided into three independent programs, focused on podcasts, music and TV or video content.

About the iPad, MacOS Catalina has a different screen. WWDC19 introduces Sidecar, a new wireless linking feature for macOS Catalina that looks very practical - the iPad is like any other Mac screen.

With the Sidecar function, the iPad becomes an additional display, and the Apple Pencil is a high-precision tablet for drawing in a row of Mac accessories, like a robot with a stylus. They can be Adobe Illustrator, Cinema 4D, Sketch, ZBrush, Maya, CorelDraw, Final Cut Pro X, DaVinci Resolve or iWork. You can draw, create sketches or records in Mac add-ons.

Commenting on the upcoming feature, Craig Federighi, Senior Vice President of Software Development at Apple, said, "Courtesy workers can expand their workspace with the help of Sidecar, and in addition to the Mac, you can appreciate the new ways to interact with the help of iPad and Pencil."

New iPadOS operating system for Apple tablets.

The iPad has ditched the current version of iOS to become the ultimate productivity platform. According to Apple's orders, the iPadOS system is specialized for the security of the most rich tasks, the support of a number of keyboards, the operation of a large number of keyboards, the operation of a large number of windows in additions with a split screen (rozpodil, kovzannya).

Better access to folders on iCloud Drive, files, and for the Apple Pencil (which supports the iPad model) a shorter hour is realized, which makes it easier to paint. Implemented, desktop full version of the Safari browser with a manager of interest, fonts and fonts. Added a robot with desktop computers and support for flash storage via USB, SD-cards, the entrance to the SMB file server.

iPadOS will be released this fall. The previous version of iPadOS for retailers is not yet available.

The SwiftUI framework is a framework for developing add-ons with a smooth transition from graphic design to writing code.

New technologies for the SwiftUI framework, according to Apple, will help retailers to create smarter programs easier and faster. With the new Swift UI, the code folding interface can be passed without writing any code. The code is automatically generated.

"Apple demonstrated the SwiftUI development middleware, helping to redesign the core interface, automating most of the process, and ensuring that it looks like the code looks like the code to the interface and can be improved," said VP of Development, Federiga Craig.

At WWDC (in the San Jose Congress Center) it was stated that, with the use of declarative code that is reasonable to the point of simplicity, the retailer can create a fully functional program interface, with smooth animation. To save a working hour, you can speed up a great number of automatic functions. For example, the layout of the interface or the dark mode, special capabilities, internationalization and movable pidtrimka right-handed.

The new SwiftUI framework is a hit with iPadOS, iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and Xcode 11.

Ability to port iPad apps to Mac.

In an effort to port iPad add-ons to Mac computers, Apple retailers have introduced a few new tools and APIs.

Using Xcode, add-on retailers can open an existing iPad project and set a flag for adapting elements, including a mouse, keyboard, automatic addition of Mac functions, and windows. To save money on the process of distributing software for Mac and iPad, one project and one output code is awarded. Any changes made will be transferred to iPad and Mac formats.

Apple Watch update.

The release of watchOS 6 and access to the App Store directly from the Apple Watch year (without an iPhone phone) allows retailers to design, create, and develop all applications for Apple Watch devices, as if they are working independently.

The new audio streaming API gives you the ability to listen without interruption on your Apple Watch.

Apple Neural Engine for Apple Watch Series 4 with Core ML, retailers can create smart programs.

The operating system for the smart year, watchOS 6, removed the "Noise" add-on (or Noise) to reduce the noise level in dB and adjust the noise level to exceed 90 dB. Addendum "Activity Trends", or Activity Trends, to carry out a review of pre-stroke activity and key indicators.

Add new dials, remіntsі for the anniversary and tools of the retailer. Preview for retailers is not yet available.

Function of augmented reality (Augmented Reality/AR).

Apple's ARKit 3 technology is said to "put people at the center of AR". For the help of the crowding of traffic, retailers of buildings integrate people into mobile apps, and when people are occluded, the AR content is displayed behind or in front of the person (similar to the green screen technology), for a more suffocating effect in the eyes of apps with AR.

Here comes the new Reality Composer add-on for Mac, iPadOS and iOS. It allows the retailer to create prototypes and AR add-ons without prior 3D proof. Є іnterfeys draughtsmanship, library of high-quality 3D-objects, animation. Objects to expand, move and wrap, to create AR and integrate in addition, in Xcode or just export to AR Quick Look.

For the help of the front and rear cameras, the ARKit 3 tool can detect up to three errors in one hour. Sleeping AR sessions available.

Promoted by RealityKit, a creation from scratch augmented reality tool. There may be photorealistic rendering, camera effects, image type and noise. You can access RealityKit with the help of the new RealityKit Swift API.

Machine learning (Machine Learning chi ML).

Core ML 3, this function, as in real time allows you to speed up the selection of more current modes of machine learning. For help, more than a hundred balls of ML models, the programs can understand natural movement, practice in the dark.

Using Xcode, Swift with the help of the new Create ML framework, retailers can create machine learning models without writing code. To learn how many models, which may have different sets of data, you can select new functions: sound classification, object detection and activity.

Podcast on Mac.

Podcasts for Mac now has engine learning technology to index words in podcasts. So it's easier to know more podcasts, more episodes, so that you can more accurately understand the interests of the koristuvach.

Option "View via Apple".

There is a simple API that allows the retailer to add the "Sign in with Apple" button to the program. Koristuvach having pressed її іnіtsіyuї on the device of Apple with FaceID authentication, then we will enter the new physical record without revealing additional special information.

If the mobile addendum sends the email address to the official record of the coristuvachev, Apple generates a vipadkov e-mail address, so that it will be replaced by the email address of the coristuvacha.

Be it a mail, sent to your address, Apple is automatically redirected to the real email address of the coristuvach. Vipadkov's e-mail address may have been seen by a koristuvach.

HomeKit SDK function for capturing video from security cameras.

Apple is expanding the HomeKit smart booth platform to support home security cameras. So, for video surveillance from home cameras, Apple has added a new feature to its HomeKit SDK product. For the help of Apple HomeKit Secure Video, the video is analyzed together on the Apple home device (iPad, Apple TV, HomePod), encrypted and edited in the personal Apple iCloud storage, so that no third-party can see it instantly.

Saving videos for ten days from iCloud cost-free. The Apple service is launched from Logitech, Eufy and Netatmo systems. The number of cameras is planned to be expanded.

Just like that, HomeKit will come to home routers, in case of an evil attack
for third-party access to your outbuildings.

And for itself, a new HomeKit scheme for routers has been created, so that the HomeKit network can secure smart extensions that work at the booth. routers that support this scheme will automatically disable firewall rules and allow one type of one "smart house" extension. We will set up an internet connection for the outbuilding, allowing those that are necessary for the functionality of the outbuilding.

I’ll take care of the defender in the booth or in the office in the form of a postal attack and in the form of a secondary attack in another evil outbuilding.

The youngest software retailer at Apple WWDC.

Boy of ten years, named after Ayush Kumar, becoming the youngest retailer of supplements at the Worldwide Conference of Apple Retailers (WWDC in San Jose). Yogo's interest in technology arose from quiet years, and Ayush's programming began from several years.

To himself, a 10-year-old lad seems to be, "I'm a hoary programmer, who deserves everything new."

The rest of Ayush's method was to create an additional income in ten days and make it possible for Apple to win a scholarship program company. The participation threshold may be 13 years old and older. Ale, for Ayush, the Apple company made a vinnyatka, so that he could take a special part in the conference with a student scholarship.

The created program is not available in the App Store, to be seen by the moderators in the program store.

The future Ayush plans to "develop a car, technology for a car and develop mobile accessories."

Father Ayusha allows you to spend 30 hours a day behind the screen of electronic gadgets. At the end of the day, Ayush takes away more years of age, like wine stained glass windows for rozrobka / folding that coding of additions.

Ayusha's fathers are looking forward to new technologies. Batko, Amit, started working with IT companies Yahoo and Nerd Wallet.

tvOS platform for Apple TV HD and 4K.

Addition of a new home screen, the Apple Arcade support, is implemented and secured on a rich client support for access to all movies, music, TV shows or recommendations. Support for the PlayStation DualShock 4 gamepad and Xbox One S. New 4K HDR screensavers included.

Security Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Helping to identify coristuvachiv and these gadgets, mobile programs will be able to collect data about the financial situation, vicorist information about the flow of money and wires. Enclose the access of third-party add-ons to such information by preparing new controls in the iOS 13 mobile operating system.

These elements of curation will give iOS 13 the best understanding of what is behind the information programs and help to understand, to trust.

New voice keruvannya.

Voice control (or Voice Control) in MacOS Catalina and iOS 13 may have editing and menu navigation functions. The peculiarity lies in the fact that by dictating commands to the Safari browser, you can open the bookmarks of sites, and then wimov and "show the grid" viconuate the onslaught or scaling.

Apple has worked on improving the additional technology "Voice Control". To allow koristuvachev, which is important, but we know it, we can’t use traditional outbuildings, use our computer, mobile gadget for a helper voice. The system for assigning a movie has been modernized, so that it could more successfully analyze the koristuvach z zaїkannyam that other particularity of the movie.

Additional information for dummies: What is WWDC

WWDC is the abbreviation, її deciphering "Apple Worldwide Developers Conference". What does mean? Translated as "All-World Conference of Apple Retailers".

A hint to look around WWDC:

Friends, Apple WWDC 2019 is over. At every turn, Apple has created an impersonal buzz, including iOS 13 and iPadOS, watchOS 6 and tvOS 13, AR, the new Mac Pro and Pro Display XDR, macOS Catalina and more. The main respect was given to the retailers of supplements.

Added to news:

Apple has released a public beta version of iOS 13 and iPadOS, as well as macOS Catalina. You can download from the official site and test.

In the nearest days of that month, we will talk about smart phones, smartphones and other things in the technological world.

At its WWDC retail conference, Apple announced the remaining version of its mobile operating system, for example - iOS 13. The new mobile operating system has no new features and increased productivity. The main new features in the iOS 13 system include the inclusion (as it was recognized by analysts and experts earlier) of the system dark mode, a completely new add-on for photos, more maps, support for the swedish text entry, the "login to Apple" option, reduced productivity and more . Read the article further, marvel at the video and immediately find out what's new in iOS.

The announcement of the release of iOS 13 was released by Apple at the conference of retailers WWDC 2019.

Today, Apple in San Jose, California, USA announced iOS 13 with a long list of new features for mobile devices. The tech company has learned a lot about the rich new features of iOS 13, how they got some bugs, as well as about the impersonal new additions, which the fans of the iOS system did not have before. For example, you can go back to the "Sign in with Apple" function to connect to software services through a Google or Facebook public record. Gave some of the major improvements to the new features in iOS 13.

Dark Mode (aka "Dark Mode")

IOS 13 includes a dark mode, which can darken the dark in most programs.

So, the black mode has appeared in iOS 13. Coristuvachi have upgraded the black mode in iOS, and the Cupertino retailers have created yoga. Apple also demonstrated some programs in dark mode, and all the stench looks nauseous.

Dark mode is available for all systems of the gadget, for all your programs, and you can schedule it to automatically turn on at sundown or at any other hour. Update follows.

Swipe to enter

The Apple iOS 13 system has a keyboard that supports the function of swedish typing, which, insanely, makes it easier for smart phones on the iPhone and tablets on the iPad to type quickly, so smart mobile gadgets no longer need to type a third-party keyboard just to adjust the function.

Apple's text keyboard now supports a type of gesture that Apple calls Quick Path.


QuickPath allows you to easily type text with one hand on the iOS keyboard without interruption by pronouncing the letters of a word.

Software updates

IOS 13 також поставляється з оновленими додатками, у тому числі новим додатком Mail, який підтримує параметри форматування на рівні робочого столу, включаючи підтримку багатих шрифтів, абсолютно новим інтерфейсом програми Карти та повністю переробленим додатком Reminders (Нагадування), що постачається з інтелектуальними функціями розпізнавання природної movie.

HomePod add-on

HomePod can make you sound like a human being in a booth to create special drinks, including reminders, music and a lot more. Radio Direct gives Siri access to more than 100,000 radio stations like Radio dot Com, iHeartRadio and TuneIn, and a new turn-on timer plays music every song hour. The transfer function allows shortlisters to easily transfer music, podcasts or HomePod calls when they get home.

Appendage Reminders

The Reminders program has been updated to support the introduction of natural movies and attachments.

Additives of conjuration make a new old look and propagate intellectual ways of creating and editing conjugation, as well as other methods of organizing and recognizing them. Shvidka the toolbar will ask you to add the hour, dates, change that ensign or add the deposit. It's easy to remember whether someone is in trouble, if it was out of the blue, if the coristuvach overpowered the reminder of this person.

Addendum Siri

Siri is a newer, more natural voice, and Siri Shortcuts is now supported by automation, as it provides personalized procedures for such speeches, as a way to work or go to the gym.

Voice Control Software

Voice Control or Voice Control gives you new strengths that allow you to use your iPhone or iPad or classic Mac computer for an additional voice. With the new Siri movie recognition technology, the new Voice Control add-on ensures more accurate transcription and text editing.

Addendum Messages

Messages or Notifications can be automatically exchanged for your photo, or with customized Memoji or Animoji icons, so you can easily identify who you know about the notification. Memoji are automatically converted to a set of graphic stickers placed on the iOS keyboard, which can be used in notifications sent to other Apple programs. Memoji also includes new hair clips, hats, make-up, piercings and accessories.

Addendum Notes

Notes for making notes New gallery revision, more efficient workflow from shared folders, new search tools and checklist options.

Addendum Text Editing

Editing of the text has been improved, so why scrolling through documents, moving the cursor and seeing the text is more accurate.

Addendum Health

Health or Okhorona healthy promotes ways to control the state of hearing and new ways to visualize, visualize and predict the woman's menstrual cycle.

AirPods add-on

With AirPods Siri, you can read incoming notifications, as soon as they come, with help utilities, or be it a program for exchanging notifications with SiriKit. The new audio exchange function allows you to easily watch a movie or share a song with a friend, just send a friend a couple to an iPhone or an iPad.

Add-on CarPlay

CarPlay is getting the most updates in history with a new toolbar for reviewing music, maps and more in one place, a new calendar add-on and Siri for third-party navigation and audio add-ons.

Program Files

The Files program allows you to split folders from iCloud Drive and allow access to files from external storage devices, such as SD cards and USB storage devices.

Functional service positioning

Elements of monitoring by positioning services give users more opportunities to exchange data about the budget with the programs, including a new one-time parameter of the local budget and additional information about those, if the programs are waiting for the background mode.

iOS 13 Productivity

Increased productivity to work the entire operating system with a bigger and smarter lockdown to unlock Face ID and a new way to package iPhone apps in the App Store, which changes the size of the applicability of apps up to 50 dollars .

Security with iOS 13

Now you can give programs access to data about financial aid for the needs and help you select programs about data about financial aid for the help of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Apple also introduced its own universal login service, available to all websites and programs. Logging in through Apple does not show up on the Internet, like other services. Real names or email addresses are superseded only with the explicit permission of the koristuvach, and Apple generates a unique email address for the skin program, as it redirects to the real email address of the koristuvach, saving the real email address.
The revolutionary addition of Apple iTunes, as it turns out, will be "started". Don't stop multimedia doby! The natomist technology company has already created many programs for music and video content - in other words, for some iconic iTunes digital store, if serving as a gigantic service. The founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, first voiced about iTunes in the 2000s, as well as iTunes and other releases. After which the service successfully stored the world of multimedia content, began to massively sell music in MP3 format.

Mankind never reached Mars, the faces of ailments have not yet been found, cars do not fly, they explore areas in which people have reached unbelievable heights. The exhaustion of computers is one of those. Let's take a look at what is the key parameter in assessing the characteristics of supercomputers. Flops - a value that shows the number of operations with a floating clod, like EOM can be counted per second. On the basis of this show, our rating of the most advanced computers in the world, for the tribute of 2019, was compiled.

The rating was presented at the International Supercomputing Conference, the top 500 supercomputers were compiled by mathematicians from the Lawrence National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee.

10 Trinity - productivity 8.1 Pflop / sec

This supercomputer is on the verge of the military security of the United States, supporting the effectiveness of the national nuclear arsenal. Well, you might think that the cost of this device is incredibly expensive, but starting from 2015, new, smarter supercomputers have been launched. Trinity works on the basis of the Cray XC40 system, the productivity of the warehouse is 8.1 Pflop / sec.

9 Mira - 8.6 Pflops/sec

Mira is another brilliant Cray product. Warto signify that the project of this supercomputer was split up for the grant of the Ministry of Energy of the Successful States. Mira's main area of ​​focus is state industries and scientifically advanced projects. The computational pressure of this computer is 8.6 petaflops per second.

8K Computer - 10.5 Pflops/sec

The peculiarity of this supercomputer is expressed in its name, which is similar to the Japanese word "kei" and means 10 quadrillions. Approximately 10.5 petaflops is the productive pressure of K Computer. The specificity of this technology also affects the fact that the vicorist water cooling system, which allows you to significantly reduce the energy saving and reduce the speed of the layout.

7 Oakforest-Pacs - 13.6 Pflop/sec

The Japanese company Fujitsu, as it was engaged in the development of K Computer, about it was guessed earlier, created a new generation supercomputer (the generation of Knights Landing). The project was signed for the foundation of the Tokyo and Tsukuba Universities. Regardless of those who planned to equip the computer with a memory of 900 TB and a productivity of 25 quadrillion operations, the cost of doing so was 13.6 petaflops / s.

6 Cori - 14 Pflops/sec

Until 2019, Cori took a firm 5th position in the world rating of the most advanced computers, but in the minds of technical progress, which is rapidly developing, it still gave up one rating “row” of new supercomputers. Found at the Lawrence and Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. Cori has already made its unique contribution to the development of science: for this, the Swiss scientists have learned to model a 45-cubit quantum computing system. 14 petaflops - the productive pressure of a "supermachine".

5 Sequoia - 17.2 Petaflops

A lot of experts call Sequoia the best supercomputer in the world, and for good reason: the arithmetic productivity of its most advanced robotics is 6.7 billion computer systems, as if for a stretch of 320 years they were identically tasked with help of calculators. Sequoia breathes in its own dimensions: the computer occupies an area of ​​390 square meters and stacks up to 96 stands. 17.2 petaflops - yogo productivity, which can cost up to sixteen thousand trillion operations.

4 Titan - 17.6 Pflops/sec

In addition, the Titan is among the top most seen computers in the world, it is also considered one of the most energy efficient, with a showing of 2142.77 megaflops per watt of saved energy. The secret of energy savings is found in Nvidia's vicarious devices, which can save up to 90% of the total power consumption, which, to the point of speech, becomes 17.6 petaflops. Zavdyaks of the same Titan have changed their dimensions in a remarkable way - at the same time, only 404 square meters are enough for accommodation.

3 Piz Daint - 19.6 Petaflops

The Piz Daint supercomputer project was launched in 2013 near the Swiss city of Lugano. The wine list is also available at the Swiss National Center for Supercomputers. Piz Daint chose all the positive characteristics of refurbishment more than analogues, including energy efficiency and high speed, compactness: the device is folded from 28 oversized stands. Yogo counting mіts skladє 19.6 petaflops.

2 Tianhe-2 - 33.9 Petaflops

A supercomputer with a romantic name "Chumatsky Shlyakh" (in the translation from Chinese) until the black of 2016 rocked the top 500 most powerful computers in the world. The intensity of yoga ensures the speed of 2507 trillion operations per second, which is 33.9 petaflops. Tyanhe-2 knows his “call” in the hallway of everyday life: at the hour of the resurrection, I forget that the laying of roads. Varto signify that since the beginning of 2013, just like “Chumatsky Shlyakh” was released, without depriving it of a leading position in the ratings, which is, in a right way, a hard show.

1 Sunway Taihu Light - 93 Petaflops

In the middle of this computer there are 40,960 productive processors, which explains its size: Sunway occupies an area of ​​about 1000 square meters. In 2016, roci at the international conference in Nimechchyna were recognized by those who were best seen in their family. Today, Sunway TaihuLight is the first in the rating and the only one in the top 10 supercomputers with a speed of 93 petaflops.

To look at the technical progress in rozrіzі yogo pouring on the people, suspenstvo as a whole is the middle ground, it is obvious that there are global shortfalls. Today we have access to anonymous computers, various accessories and robots. But the best way is to know the day when the great wine-growers of the people are stuck and direct them to win for the benefit of our sleeping future, not turning them into stupid toys.

People don’t fly to Mars like that, they haven’t thrashed cancer yet, they haven’t explored naphtha deposits. And still, explore the areas where people have reached a significant progress for the rest of the decade. The number of computers is one of them.

The University of Tennessee is publishing the Top-500, in order to propagate the list of the most productive supercomputers in the world.

As the key criterion for this rating, there is a characteristic, which has long been considered one of the most active supercomputers in terms of the intensity of supercomputers - flops, or the number of operations with a floating point per second.

Trochs jumping ahead, we encourage you to think ahead of time to figure out these numbers: the productivity of the top ten representatives is reduced by dozens of quadrillion flops. For comparison: ENIAC, the first computer in history, 500 flops capacity; Today, an average personal computer can perform at hundreds of gigaflops (million flops), an iPhone 6 can perform at about 172 gigaflops, and a PS4 game console at 1.84 teraflops (trillion flops).

Having reviewed the rest of the "Top 500" in the fall of 2014, the editorial staff of Naked Science decided that they are the 10 most powerful supercomputers in the world, and for the accomplishment of such tasks such a grandiose calculation is needed.

10. Cray CS-Storm

Distribution: USA
Productivity: 3.57 petaflops
Theoretical maximum productivity: 6.13 petaflops
Attenuation: 1.4 MW

Like all modern supercomputers, including skins from those presented in this article, CS-Storm is composed of impersonal processors, united into a single counting system based on the principle of mass-parallel architecture. In fact, the system is an impersonal rack (“shaf”) with electronics (nodes that are made up of rich-core processors), which make up the whole corridors.

Cray CS-Storm is the whole series of supercomputer clusters, but one of them is still seen on aphids. Zokrema, the enigmatic CS-Storm, a victorious unit of the United States for unknown purposes and for unknown purposes.

Vіdomo less than those that American officials bought the CS-Storm CS-Storm, which is extremely efficient at a glance (2386 megaflops per 1 watt), from a large number of cores of up to 79 thousand from the American company Cray.

On the site of the compiler, it is said that CS-Storm clusters are suitable for highly productive computations in cybersecurity, geospatial exploration, image recognition, seismic data processing, rendering and machine learning. Here, in this row, perhaps, there was a zastosuvannya of the rank and file CS-Storm.


9. Vulcan - Blue Gene/Q

Distribution: USA
Productivity: 4.29 petaflops
Theoretical maximum productivity: 5.03 petaflops
Attenuation: 1.9 MW

The "Volcano" of developments by the American company IBM, belongs to the Blue Gene family and is located in the Livermore National Laboratory named after E. Lawrence. The supercomputer, which belongs to the US Department of Energy, is stored in 24 slots. Functioning cluster rozpochav in 2013 roci.

On the vіdmіnu vіd zgadannogo CS-Storm, the sphere of zastosuvanie "Volcano" well vіdoma - tse rіznі naukі і sledzhennya, including in the gallery of energy, on kshtalt modeling of natural phenomena and analysis of the great number of data.

Various science groups and companies can grant access to the supercomputer upon application, as required to apply to the HPC Innovation Center, which is based at the same Livermore National Laboratory.

Vulcan supercomputer / © Laura Schulz and Meg Epperly/LLNL

8. Juqueen - Blue Gene/Q

Roztashuvannya: Nіmechchina
Productivity: 5 petaflops
Theoretical maximum productivity: 5.87 petaflops
Attenuation: 2.3 MW

Since the launch in 2012 of Juqueen, another supercomputer in Europe, and the first - in Germany. Yak and "Volcano", the whole supercomputer cluster of fragmentation by IBM as part of the Blue Gene project, moreover, it dates back to the same generation of Q.

The supercomputer is located in one of the largest recent centers in Europe in Julis. Vykoristovuetsya vіdpovіdno - for highly productive calculations in various scientific achievements.

Juqueen supercomputer / © Jülich Supercomputing Center (JSC)

7. Stampede - PowerEdge C8220

Distribution: USA
Productivity: 5.16 petaflops
Theoretical maximum productivity: 8.52 petaflops
Attenuation: 4.5 MW

Stampede, which is located in Texas, is the only one in the first ten Top-500 clusters, which was developed by the American company Dell. The supercomputer is made up of 160 pieces.

This supercomputer is the most intense in the world of the middle of the world, which zastosovyvaetsya vinyatkovo z doslidnitskoy metoy. Access to strains Stampede for scientific groups. The cluster is victorious in the widest range of scientific fields - in the form of advanced tomography of the human brain and the transfer of earth cowards to the manifestation of patterns in music and current structures.

Supercomputer Stampede / © Texas Advanced Computing Center

6. Piz Daint - Cray XC30

Distribution: Switzerland
Productivity: 6.27 petaflops
Theoretical maximum productivity: 7.78 petaflops
Attenuation: 2.3 MW

The Swiss National Supercomputer Center (CSCS) boasts Europe's toughest supercomputer. Piz Daint, named so in honor of the Alpine Mountains, has been expanded by the Cray company and belongs to the XC30 family, which is the most productive.

Piz Daint zastosovuetsya for various future purposes for the computer simulation of high energy physics gallery.

Supercomputer Piz Daint / ©

5. Mira - Blue Gene/Q

Distribution: USA
Productivity: 8.56 petaflops
Theoretical maximum productivity: 10.06 petaflops
Attenuation: 3.9 MW

Supercomputer "Miru" was expanded by IBM in the framework of the Blue Gene project in 2012. In addition to the highly productive calculation of the Argonne National Laboratory, in which the cluster is being developed, it was created with the help of sovereign finance. It is worth noting that the growing interest in supercomputer technologies from the side of Washington, for example, the 2000s and the beginning of the 2010s, is explained by the super-science in China.

Raztashovaniya on 48 risers Mira vikoristovuєtsya for scientific purposes. For example, the supercomputer is designed for climate and seismic modeling, which allows to take more accurate data on the transfer of earthquakes and climate change.

Supercomputer Mira / © Flickr

4. K computer

Distribution: Japan
Productivity: 10.51 petaflops
Theoretical maximum productivity: 11.28 petaflops
Attenuation: 12.6 MW

Distributed by Fujitsu and researched at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research at the Kobe city, K Computer is the only Japanese supercomputer, which is present in the first ten Top-500.

Just in time (early 2011), this cluster, having taken the first position in the rating, has become the most productive computer in the world for one time. And in the fall of 2011, the rock of K Computer became the first in history, which was far away from reaching the tightness over 10 petaflops.

The supercomputer wins at the bottom of the preslidnitsky zavdan. For example, for predicting natural disasters (which is relevant for Japan through the increased seismic activity of the region and the high volatility of the edge at times of tsunami) and computer modeling in the medical closet.

Supercomputer K / © Fujitsu

3. Sequoia - Blue Gene/Q

Distribution: USA
Productivity: 17.17 petaflops
Theoretical maximum productivity: 20.13 petaflops
Attenuation: 7.8 MW

The most advanced of the four supercomputers of the Blue Gene / Q family, which has gone up to the first ten in the rating, has been traded in the United States in the Livermore National Laboratory. IBM developed Sequoia for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) as it required a high-performance computer for a very specific purpose - nuclear vibration simulation.

Varto guess what the real nuclear testing of fences was in 1963, and computer simulation is one of the most acceptable options for continuing to live near the gallery.

However, the tightness of the supercomputer was victorious for the accomplishment of other, obviously noble tasks. For example, the cluster was able to set productivity records in the cosmological model, and to create the electrophysiological model of the human heart.

Sequoia Supercomputer / © Bob Hirschfeld/LLNL

2.Titan - Cray XK7

Distribution: USA
Productivity: 17.59 petaflops
Theoretical maximum productivity: 27.11 petaflops
Attenuation: 8.2 MW

The most productive number of supercomputers created at Sunset, as well as the most advanced computer cluster under the Cray brand, are located in the United States at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Regardless of those supercomputer, which is in the order of the US Department of Energy, officially available for any scientific research, at the same time in 2012, if Titan was launched, the number of applications outweighed all borders.

Through this, a special commission was called in the Oukridzhsky laboratory, as out of 50 applications, it selected only 6 of the most "advanced" projects. Among them, for example, modeling the behavior of neutrons at the very heart of a nuclear reactor, as well as predicting global climate changes in the next 1-5 years.

Irrespective of its size and size (404 square meters), Titan was not long on the pedestal. Already in the first year after the triumph at the leaf fall of 2012, the pride of the Americans in the sky of highly productive numbers was unstoppable, having beaten the previous leaders in the rating without precedent.

Titan supercomputer / ©

1. Tianhe-2 / Chumatsky Way-2

Distribution: China
Productivity: 33.86 petaflops
Theoretical maximum productivity: 54.9 petaflops
Attenuation: 17.6 MW

From the moment of its first launch of "Tianhe-2", or "Milky Way-2", the axis is already close to two years and the leader of the Top-500. Whose monster may be more productive than number 2 in the rating is the TITAN supercomputer.

The Defense Science and Technology University of the People's Volunteer Army of the People's Republic of China and the company Inspur "Tianhe-2" are made up of 16 thousand nodes from the total number of nuclei from 3.12 million. The operational memory of the colossal structure, which occupies 720 square meters, becomes 1.4 petabytes, and the memory of the add-on - 12.4 petabytes.

"Chumatsky Way-2" was designed with the initiative of the Chinese order, there is nothing surprising in the fact that it is unprecedented to serve, call on everything, consume the power. It was officially announced that the supercomputer is engaged in various modeling, analysis of the great amount of data and security of the sovereign security of China.

Looking at the secrecy, the power of the PRC's military projects, one is left with little more guesswork, as if oneself stosuvannya otrimu "Chumatsky Way-2" in the hands of the Chinese army.

Supercomputer Tianhe-2 / ©

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