How to correctly search information from Google. Detailed guide from Google AdWords (Google Ads) for beginners: how to set up contextual advertising. Poshuk for I will call or I will help

I love you, love friends! Today, we are facing another important topic - the correct and effective search for information in the Google search system. The Danish material will be familiar in first line to the beginnings of the IT gallery and targeting itself to search for professional or specific information, as it is not so easy to know the situation by simply putting your query to the search engine.

You can talk for a long time about that, like a Poshukov vicorist system. I didn’t want to develop a holіvar, a protépevneniy, so that over 80% of professional retailers and fahivtsiv would give priority to the very system of the plant and deep integration into the English segment of the market.



How does it show the practice of spitting my dear eyes on the channel's guests in the comments on YouTube or in my public VKontakte- even a lot of newcomers with tієї chi іnshoyї reasons to be afraid of chi do not want to be corrupted by the poshuk system, voluntarily put food in the comments. I don’t mess with anything nasty, I’m happy to google that comment below. However, I think the reason for this is not shedding, but the very distrust of the results of the search and the banal "google in help" - the mother is not guilty of such an ironic zabarvlennya, but be a special image for those to whom it is addressed.

Today, I will show you methods and methods and search for information on Google, let's talk about the rules, how to follow the next hour, and how I am crusty myself.

In principle, the correct search for information in Google is not easy, so we get to the right food and prepare for a number of rules, which we can see at once. Respect that these rules are more suitable for searching for specific information and will be correct, for us, for web retailers, designers, layout designers, or programmers.

It’s better for everything, if it’s a simple (or not simple) housewife, like a recipe for a pie, then you won’t get the rules, Google shards, like and be-yak another poshuk system for locking it itself is adapted for a wide range of coristuvachiv with remarkably simple requests.

Rules for searching for special information on Google

1. Request

Formulate the request correctly. The most common cause of unsatisfactory results in the search for information is incorrect formulation of the request. I recommend on the cob formulating your search request to specify the area to which your request should be, for example, as in searches for information on WordPress - to formulate your request in the following order: "wordpress and give the text to the request." In this way, you see the topic of the joke request, the key to how the joke robot will go. After the keyword, or I will ask you to formulate what you want to take.

Here it’s all right to lie with those of your request, that of the one that you check for the search system. Ale, try not to write in my colloquial language, but to stick to the terminology adopted by your topic.

It is necessary to know information about the vertical and horizontal centering of the child block using CSS.
Filthy butt: "like a zrobiti center tag."
Good example: "css vertically rendered".

As a result of the first application, you will take away information about the center tag and about the centering of the text in blocks. Another request will give a better result and help you improve your task. However, everything is not so simple here - it is most likely to learn from the correct input and take into account the greatness of the number of options, and here we need another and third rule.

2. Publication date

give respect to the date of publication. The Internet is constantly being replaced by information, articles and helpers, and the specificity of the work of search systems is saving in the top types of old trust materials, which have been and continue to be respected regardless of the low relevance of infections for a particular specific gallery. The Google search engine always displays the date, if the material is published. This is especially true for the search for special information, as the power of old age may be. For example, if you are looking for information from any framework, then you can use old articles and methods that, in this hour, are no longer victorious, or deprecated.

Here you can also add the tools of the Google search system - for a certain period of time, you can search for information. For the current version of Google, you can go under the search row "Tools > For the whole hour > (select period)". Most of the time, the actuality of the information is not more than one year old, so boldly choose the item "For the river".

3. Accurate visibility

Since you didn’t get to know the information behind your inquiry and you are on the top of Google’s guides to those who don’t know you, we don’t need those that you need, to get your deputy accurate - "Tools > All results > Accurate insight". Google is a coherent system, as, as I have already said, it is possible to achieve more koristuvachivs. Therefore, in the results of seeing, you can judge even closer to those options, but we don’t know those that are necessary. In such vipadkas, always specify your request.

For my own knowledge, I’ll say that with the option I’m rooting in 90% of the cases, I see less and less of the required result for unreasonable reasons without specifying the exact performance.

4. English language inquiries

Try to put together letters and ask and read English. It has already developed historically that the most relevant and accurate information can be known only in English. I think that everything is sensible here - the greater number of communicants and comunity is more important - all English people, how they collide, solve problems, and pronounce the most correct options for solving the English language itself.

With disbelief, I put myself before the Russian aids, or articles for absurdity. However, if the material is fresh, up-to-date and placed on a random resource, I can stop at my work. Reading English is good for developing reading and documentation or articles with translating. After singing practice, the vocabulary needs to translate in your voice.

It is necessary to know information about the vertical view of a child block by Flex.
english query: "css flex vertical align".

It's all the same here, as if from a Russian request - we choose the topic from the beginning, we clarify it, it's not just css, but flexbox and with elementary words we formulate those that we want to take as a result.

5. Resources

Give respect to the resources, as if I could find information. For example, the site is from an old design from the 90s, the author writes with pardons on the level of the 5th class of the global education school, or the site for any other reasons, I suspected you, then trust this information is not varto. I know the best way to solve problems on Stackoverflow. Tse resource, whom you can trust. So, as this service is not just a site for the supply of information, but a system of ratings for the supply or for the opinion, you can easily determine which one is trusted with the information, by writing a koristuvach in the report.

The greater number of positive assessments for a specific opinion gives more confidence in that decision. This site is not the only example, but the most popular and the most popular among retailers. However, there are impersonal other shamans who can be trusted. Ale, in any case, to marvel at the date of publication of the article on the subject.

For respect, friends! I am sure that the given material will help the retailer-pochatkіvtsyu in the sea of ​​information and know the correct recommendations for your diet. At once I can say with full confidence that practically all the problems and problems of that task are already done for you, you just need to joke correctly.

Children, we put our soul into the site. For those
that reveals its beauty. Dyakuyu for that goosebumps.
Come visit us at Facebookі VKontakte

Correctly google vmіє not leather.

Often the efficiency of your work is influenced by how little you can know what other information you need. It would seem that there is nothing to add here: you drive it in and you win the result. Ale іnodi for those who need to know, it's an anniversary, you have to look over a bunch of sites.

website I will offer you a few simple tricks that will help you save an hour for a Google search.

Know the phrase whole

The simplest command for Google, how to search more easily. If you take the text at the paw, the spoof machine will start shukati more accurately in the right order of the phrase, in the required order of words. Most of all, it helps to know the necessary side, without digging at the smitt.

Find a quote, yakіy has a missing word

If you forgot the word in the quote - don't be fooled! Just take all your quote in your paws and replace the forgotten word put a zirochka "*"

Know on the song site

You marveled as you got to the site about watercolor artists, but don’t remember, as it was called. For which pidide operator site. Vіn allows you to specify a site right at the request, which needs to be clicked on. Only put the shoes on the tongue after the site dvokrapka.

Search for words at the borders of one proposition

Use the ampersand symbol "&" so that you can easily know two words that will appear in the same sentence. Helps to sound a poke.

Turn off word for joke

Let's say you want to know the recipe for a salad, ale wine obov'yazkovo maє buti without mayonnaise. Enter a prompt and put a minus sign in front of the word, as it is necessary to turn it off.

Perhaps you want to know articles about design, or you can only take a look at websites and design bureaus, conferences and exhibitions. Qi words can be turned off by a joke by putting a minus sign in front of them.

Ask for a price

In order not to spend an hour visiting the okremo leather online store, simply enter the name of the product and the price range through two dots (..).

Search for documents in song format

For example, you are preparing a presentation on the topic "History of Design". You can choke on other people's robots on this topic. Enter a name, then filetype:PPT

Colored additions

Calculator. Enter the required date, remove the input and the calculator for further calculations.

Word translation. Translate the words tezh shvidko. Before the phrase, enter translate, and then into and Bazhan mov.

For example: translate i love creativity into italian

Appointment of the word. If you start to be reasonable and throw in unreasonable terms and words, the “define:” operator will come to help you and then enter an unreasonable word. Google will soon see the appointment, and you will spare an hour without going to Wikipedia and other advanced sites.

1. How to know the exact phrase chi word form

Knowing the exact phrase chi word form is easy! For this wicker paws "". Take a phrase or a word in the paws, and Google shukatime of a web page, de є such a phrase (word form).

For example:

"I marvel at the sky"
2. How to know a quote, in which a word is missing
If you forgot the word in the quote - don't be fooled! Just take all your quote in your paws and replace the forgotten word with a star*. І your quotation is known at once from forgotten in a word.
For example:
"why did I * sokil"

3. How to know be-yakі z kіlkoh slіv
Just pass all the possible options through the vertical slash: |. Google shukatime documents be-yakim іz tsikh slіv.
For example:
dumplings | Deruni | burner
summer cottages (borispil | gatne)

4. How to know the words between one speech
Match the operator with the leading names "ampersand" - &. How to match words with an ampersand, Google knows the documents where these words should be in the same sentence.
For example:
Monument to Taras Shevchenko & Kiev

5. How to know a document, how to avenge a simple word
Put a plus in front of the necessary word, do not add a word to the word with a gap. At the request, you can include a copy of the language words.

For example:
Kolishniy monument to Lenin + boulevard

6. How to turn off the word for a joke
Put a minus sign in front of the word, so you don’t need to be afraid of bugs. So you can turn off the syllabus of words:
For example:
chervona ruta - rotaru - song
knitting schemes

7. How to joke on a song site
For which pidide operator site. Vіn allows you to specify a site right at the request, which needs to be clicked on. Only put the shoes on the tongue after the site dvokrapka.
For example:
Constitution of Ukraine

8. Yak shukati documentary type
You need a mime operator. Put in the input mime, double, and then the type of document that you need. For example, pdf chi doc.
For example:
application for foreign passport mime:pdf

9. Yak shukati on sites with my singing
For the help of the lang operator. If lang is necessary, put a two-box and write what kind of documents you need. If it is a Russian language, then it is necessary to say ru, if it is Ukrainian - uk. Belarusian language is denoted as be, English - en, French - fr.
For example:
void glClearColor lang:en

10. Search for synonyms
The symbol ~ is for the words similar to the chosen one. Please use all the words on the sides with synonyms to the word better, but the word is not worthy of them.
For example:
~best movies -best

11. Word meaning
Enter in a row a query define: and the meaning of the word is recognized.
For example:

12. Returning messages
Type links: name the site and you will know the power to lead to the whole site.
For example:

13. Unit converter
If you need to know the value, just enter your request in the row.
For example:
1 kg in pounds
14. Find out the exchange rate
To find out the exchange rate, it’s enough just to enter a request.
For example:
1 hryvnia in rubles

15. Hour mistom
Enter the charge that is added up for the “hour” and “place” - the first row will have the exact hour of the place.
For example:
time Kiev
hour Kiev

16. Calculator
It’s enough to drive a butt in a row of a joke and push a joke - Google sees the result of the match.
For example:

17. Cashed side search
Google maintains its own servers, de vin saves side caches. It is also necessary for itself this: "cache:"
For example:

18. Weather forecast by place
So the very same way and at the same time for an hour in a row I will ask for a victorious operator “weather” and “place”. І know the forecast for a few days.
For example:
weather Kiev

19. Translation
You can translate words that do not fit into the random system. "translate word into language".
For example:
translate i love clubber into italian

Poshukov's Google system has gone way into our lives, so rich people already have a smart reflex: at the least twisted stench, they immediately fill up a request for a tip. Koristuvatisya Google, otherwise, as it seems at once, “google”, they are both pioneers and pensioners - they have nothing to put together. But about those, how to use the Google search system most effectively, not everyone knows. We immediately tell you a piece of simple acceptance of an effective request, about how to remember everything.

The search mechanism of Google is a supra-intellectual tool, which helps you to understand and inspire you to communicate, be it your favor. However, if the Poshukova vidach most fully confirmed your request, it is necessary to clarify your nutrition more clearly. For whom there are special search operators, about the reasons for which we want to tell you about these articles, and someone else, it is possible, to get to know them first.

“At the grass sit horses” (Kivachki)

If you need to know a word or a phrase in such a way, as you entered it, without any changes in forms and word order, then turn on your squeaky prompt at the foot. It is most convenient for the search for a song film for yoga, I will name the text of the song in order, or a verse from the book.

At the grass sits a conic (Minus)

If you need to include the results of the search for all sides to avenge a single word, put a minus sign in front of it (without a pass). So you know who else is sitting by the grass, Crimean Konikiv.

At the grass sit horses (Tilda)

The tilde pictogram ask Google not only for the given word, but also for similar words and synonyms. For example, in this situation, the system of shukatime konikiv is not only in the grass, but in the bushes, fields and mountains.

At the grassy garden rose OR conic (OR)

In the original mode, Google is able to know the sides, so that you can erase the words you have indicated. If you insert the OR operator (in capital letters) between the words, then you will remove the sides in the search view, which you want to include one of these words.

V * sidiv Konik (Zirochka)

The symbol of a star can replace unknown words in your request. For example, if you don’t remember exactly when you sat on a conic, then simply enter the word’s natomist *.

There are also impersonal others, and some brown ones, using Google search row, which you can find out about

Shvidkoy, but I’ll joke to you more productive!

We're making fun of Google's joke today. New news, websites, music, documents - the search engine knows everything. Golovne correctly put yoma power supply. Let me tell you about the basic formulas for Google search requests.

It often happens that we need to know not just abstract information, but a specific text or document. You can, obviously, look over all the sides of the results by asking for the required file, or you can speed up special operators for concretization of the request.

Shukaёmo exact phrase chi word form

If you know a phrase, if it is in a search document, you can search for that phrase. For whom, write the phrase in the line by line underfoot, and Google shukatima side, de zustrіchaetsya itself such a phrase.

The whole method is practiced with okremi words.

Shukaemo quote, yakіy missing a word

Do you want to shine with erudition and quote a classic, but did you forget one word after another quote? Don't beat me! Tі f paws help you with your help. Write a quote in a line by line, and forget the word replace with a zirochka * . Now pick up the quote and press Enter. Did you know? Miraculous!

Now you need one of the songs on the document, or on the side. Ale is such a possibility є - say tsі words through vertical slash, and Google will show you all the documents that can help one of these words.

Shukaєmo sing words within one proposition

In order to know the text, de in one rechennі є nebіbnі words, use the operator " ampersand» ( & ). Next to the row of jokes, write qi words, and put an ampersand between them. Google knows all the documents, where the words are in one word.

Shukaєmo document, in which the word is avenged

For example, it is necessary to know patents for chemical speech, which include potassium permanganate. Put in the row of rows plus (+ ) before the required word ( without trial).

patent + potassium permanganate

At the request, you can add a copy of such words.

Let's turn on the word for the results of the joke

Shukaєte information about the car for an hour, and do not want to join the same rock band? At the row of jokes, after the “machine of the hour” write rock, edge, makarevich. Before the skin word put minus (- ) without trial before the word. Profit!

Machine hour - rock group - Makarevich

Search for information on a specific site through Google

So, so it’s possible :) For such a joke, the operator is victorious і. In the line by line, write what exactly you want to know, then the operator site:, then the site address.

Shukaёmo documentary type

Tomorrow you need to submit a term paper, but you didn’t sit for it? Not scary. Hurry operator poshuk mime:. In the line by line, write the name of your coursework, and then the operator and file format - doc, pdf, etc.

Shukaєmo document and site my singing

We have an operator to help us language:. Let's write a request, then the operator, and then we will identify the required movie:

  • for Russian - en
  • for Ukrainians - UK
  • for Belarusian - en
  • for English - en
  • for French - fr
  • for German - ge
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