Joom is new and not new. Joomla has been updated to the last version. Updating required files

To migrate from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3, the CMS authorization installed the core component of Joomla! Upgrade. No third-party plugins are required for updating now. automatic update Joomla 2.5 to 3.3.6 work from the admin panel of the site. Yak tse zrobiti without pardons, I will return in the tsy statty.

Reconstruction of the Joomla 3.3.6 vimogam service

Change the server list to your hosting. Smells to blame the smallest vimogs for robots Joomla 3.3.6. The PHP version is fundamentally important. Now it's the fault of PHP 5.3.10+.

FixesMo Automatically Upgrade Joomla 2.5 to 3.3.6

Zavdannya. We have a website. CMS version for Joomla 2.5.x. Joomla update is required before version 3.3.6.

First of all, updating to Joomla 2.5.28. In version 2.5.27, it is not visible. For a successful update, the site's cache is cleaned and the relevance of the database is updated, on the "Base Danih" deposit in the "Expansion Manager".

  • Vidalyaєmo got statty and unused modules.
  • Clean all cats with smittєvim material.
  • Expansion of the site is not easy.

robimo povnu backup copy your own robotized site. Let's call it "Reserve 1".

We will not use third-party hosting for it. Onovimo site in the root directory on your own hosting. Let me explain. A backup copy of your site can be updated on any third-party server, and you can transfer it back there.

For renewal, the catalog for renewal is placed in the root of the father's domain. Let's call it yogo. The name can be, be-yakim. Phpmyadmin is hosting a new database. In basi danih maє buti everything is new: Im'ya, Koristuvach, Password.

If it will be necessary to re-update, if there are bad luck, do not pick on the base of the tribute. For a new renovation, open a new tribute base with new tributes, including koristuvach. Not far from the base of the data is required from the hosting of the video.

The new site has been updated for the new pedcatalosis. Yak update site with backup copy, read. We will update the site in the established catalosis. Yogi address:

Friend cleaning site

The site of all unnecessary extensions is now being cleaned. In ideals of guilt, only the extension of Joomla! Project. Third-party extensions are required to be enabled. Expansion, as insane with Joomla 3.3.6. needs to be seen. Expansion is seen in Expansion Manager.

Іmovіrnіst, the fall of the site with a vivid, especially "lingering" expansion, is great. Tom, robustly coming.

As you know, the extension can be seen from the Extension tab → Extension Manager → Management. Here, koristuєmosya filter. Filter by extension type.

Persh for everything, seen by Componenti. You will be able to make sure that the skin visible component is cleaned by the cache and the site's visibility. Once the site has entered, via FTP I will block the folder with the problematic component from the backup "Reserve 1".

Pislya vidalennya Components, viewable / visible plugins, modules, libraries, files, packages.

Generally, if you see the expansion of the site. In general, I will upload folders of problematic extensions from the backup site: plugins, modules, libraries, etc. Replace the vision, problematic expansion of the key.

The plugin can be included from the database: table [_extentions]. A row of tables is embossed. Structure, sound in the structure of the required plugin plugins_Name of the plugin, and in the first place enable, the substitute is put.

class = "eliadunit">

The component from the base danih is not included. The "primhlivy" component without introducing the update to enable it from the panel of the site, but rather change its folder, by type, com_XXXX_okl.

Once again, about the crocs, which were broken during preparation, the automatic update of Joomla 2.5 to 3.3.6 was successful:

  • Updated to version 2.5.28. The final version of Joomla of the "pre-launch" release J! 2.5;
  • We made the first cleaning of the site and updated the site in the root folder of the site;
  • Yak minimum, we have seen an extension, in some mute versions for J3.3.6;
  • Enabled, extended;
  • We have not included modules and plugins for Joomla! Production work in the control panel;
  • We switched to "ідні" joomla templates;
  • Revised the stan (relevance) of the database from the panel of the site;
  • We cleared the cache of the site, the panels and the cache of the update;
  • Cleared old cache;
  • Enabled "Cash" plugin (optional).
  • Zrobili, a backup copy of the cleared site (Reserve 2).
  • We revised the backup copy of the working site and base danih.

When clearing the cache, clean not only the cache of the site, but the cache of the admin panel.

Start immediately before automatic update.

Automatically updating Joomla 2.5 to 3.3.6 - the process itself

Go to the tab: Components → Joomla! Updates

On the button "Nalashtuvannya" vibrate "Short-string version ..."

Do not send changes to the side, clear the update cache (Expansion → Expansion manager → Update → Button: Clear cache).

If you know about the need to upgrade to 3.3.6, please use the "Write files without middle" method.

So good luck will not leave you.

It’s bad luck, it’s got you, know the site, set up a new database, update Reserve 1 or Reserve 2 and repeat it all over again. Before repeating, read the error.logs in the panel of your hosting (server).

If you want to know more about it, try changing the template for the administrator panel's suggestions. you can repair the knowledge from the Joomla 3 admin panel.

Let me welcome you to the opening tutorial for the Joomla site. For the first time, I will tell you about not all the beloved process of updating, but the very latest version of it. Joomla 2.5.8 is up to version 2.5.11 for butt. Winikak nutrition: vlasne, now in zagalі robiti of the new? View on food prices cover instructions you will know in the statistics.

Need a new update?

So all the same, now you can catch the jumla up to more new version? It’s simple, you don’t have to spend an hour at a meeting; With new skin new innovations, changes are made to the difference, the robot system is to be rotated, and to be moved without baking software security and a lot of it. I, in my own way, have seen all the changes from the new versions, since I fixed the work with Joomla 1.5, but through a few miscellaneous views, the program is old and the sites, broken up on the latest version, are not safe. But be safe, do not marry immediately after the last updates, for a cob, analyze them and read the guides.

How do you know the version of Jumli?

Now I will navchu you to begin, as the version of Joomla is installed on your computer. For this, you need to go to the site control panel and go to the first menu item "Site", then vibrate the item "Information about the system". V given givenє All necessary information. I am so amazed that the version has been installed, in my opinion the version 2.5.8.

Yak right onoviti jumla!

It’s an hour to go bezposrednyo to the update of the Joomla system. I guess, for the butt of my vikoristovuєmo version 2.5.11. For whom we need to know archives with a central version, Vikachuєmo yogo sobi on a computer.


In addition, since the backup copy has been opened, it will be repackaged and updated from the archived archive to our folder from the site, which, if you have stolen it, is located in the folder "www" on. If necessary, copy from replacement files.

And now the result is being revised, for which we go to the site control panel, go to the “Site” menu, select the item “Information about the system”, and marvel at our version. If you did everything correctly, then start writing Joomla 2.5.11 there.

And at the end of the lesson, let’s, as a starter, give us a bag.
Only you have chosen a process, like an onoviti jumla. Denmark is a process to finish the simple and not vimag great number hour and strength. Mi vikoristov was running version 2.5.11. All innovations and changes in them can be found on the official site Joomla. If you have lost some food, then ask them in the comments, and I will tell you if you please.

Also, upload your messages and pobozhannya to the statty or tick on social. buttons. :)

P.S. Marvel at the video of 20 photos found)

Fixing for tsiy fate (since 1 June 2015) all the owners of the sites, scho work on the management of CMS Joomla! 2.5, we stumbled upon a great problem - the line was officially posted! Price means that it is available on season release Joomla 2.5.28є will remain and will not be any more. Tse, in my own heart, I will not block anything, but from my side - if the system is safe, it will not be a problem. Tom on the official site Joomla! і in the panel at the governing body (as it was updated to the last version 2.5.28) є Information, it is recommended that you go through the update (mіgruvati) with Joomla! 2.5.28 on Joomla! 3.

(Remaining available release for renewal for the season) is not easy to finish, since you have a great website, which is a great number of third-party extensions. If you have a small, vicious minimum, expansion (components, modules, plugins ...) website, then the migration process will not be awkward for you. The process of updating sites to work on Joomla 1.5 (є the possibility of updating and for them) will be more folding process.

Yak the butt of such a migration, from Joomla 2.5.28 to Joomla 3.3.6, serve as a video, de vie the butt of updating a small site with a minimum established extensions... Until then, the process of migration of descriptions is lower in more detail.

The process of migration from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.x

Well you dare to drink on the whole croc, todi, persh for everything, do you need to change, Tse:

  1. Upgrade to the last available version in Joomla 2.5, and Joomla 2.5.28.
  2. Upevnitsya at the accessibility of software security of your server (hosting) to minimal vimogam for robots Joomla 3.x. PHP version is guilty of not lower than 5.3.10 (5.4+ is recommended), but database (MySQL) 5.1+.
  3. Create a backup copy of your site (files and databases).
  4. Check out the list of all installed third-party extensions that you need for the other robot and that you are ready to see it.
    Third-party extensions vvazhayutsya all extensions, in which in the hundredths "author" is not meant "Joomla! Project ", ale є і tі yakі mayut іnshogo author, аlе уоu can't see іх vіdaly, oskіlka stench є system extensions and stolen from vіdalennya (there is a lock icon).
    You will need to go to the "Expansion Manager"> "Update" and reconsider, by pressing the button, the appearance of new versions for your installed extensions and innovations in such a way. Then go to the "Management" tab and select the "Package" type there, images, if you see everything connected with this package, the add-ons (components, modules, plugins) will be automatically uninstalled. Distantly, I saw all the unused extensions of the vibrating "type". With the solution (necessary for a robotic site) you will be able to see that there will be a stink of crazy with Joomla 3. For some of them, you can use the information icon for the new version, which will inform you about you will be available on the next year. Install a new version, some pieces on the cob, the "Update" did not have an update for a wider expansion). With the latest extensions, as there is no such "information badge", I will get to know it by hand, check the retailer's website about the newest available versions.
    Є There are two options for development: 1) your extension may be a package sumy yak from Joomla! 2.5 so and from Joomla! 3 - you can easily update the system; 2) your extension may be one package for Joomla! 2.5 і іншої for Joomla! 3 - so you will need to uninstall (extend) and install a new package when upgrading to Joomla 3 (thank you!
    Don't forget about your template too! As soon as new packages are available, so you need to see them, recognizing the original, bazhano, old template for the change (as in our video clip).
  5. For that, you have seen all the extensions that are not possible with Joomla 3, you need to go to " Headquarters"On the" Server "tab and display there, the value of the parameter" Pardoning "is set to" Maximum ".
  6. Now go to the "Plugin Manager" and enable the plugin "System - Remember me" there.
  7. Go to "Components"> "Joomla Updates!" and clicking on "Nalashtuvannya" change the server update to "Joomla Distribution with short-line support". Immediately after saving the adjustment, you are guilty of reporting the availability of the update to version 3.3.6. Install yogo! After a successful installation, clear the cache.
  8. Then go to the "Expansion Manager" and vibrate the message "Baza Danih". Press the fix button.
  9. Then go to the "Poshuk" submenu. Click the know and update button to update the new version of the extension.
  10. Move back plugin "System - Remember me".
  11. Go to the "Material Manager", click on "Customize" and select the "Edit Form" tab, you need to enable the "Save History" parameter.
  12. Install your new expansion, including a new template, if necessary.
  13. To complete the migration procedure, you need to see old people movnaya package and install new, updated new version of Joomla! 3.3.6.

All! Spodіvaєmosya, how and your processes are going through the same way!

Explanations about the migration process on our video

The process is carried out exactly as described in the picture. Bully forwarded not to use (do not get lost and not confused about Joomla 3) extensions: Socbuttons, Xmap (a new package and installments will be downloaded for the transition to Joomla 3), as well as two Core Design plugins with the same functionality.

And also buv vilucheniy (bulo required for instructions of the rozrobnik) and installments on Joomla 2.5 new package for JComments, oskilki New version the component of the ball is sumy yak z Joomla 2.5 so і z Joomla 3.

Privit, shanovnі reading blog site. I have been writing for a long time on the topic of expanding sites on Joomla, explaining about all the extensions for this engine, but perhaps missing out on the most important nutrition - like ї onoviti. And the food is, I think, the winery at the bagatokh pohatkіvtsіv dzhumlovodov.

The remaining version of CMS Joomla (content management system) is constantly updated, and the fact that the site was opened on the site may not be relevant due to the weakness of the abduction and the shortcomings of the bullet

How new Joomla is up to the last version

Here, however, later clarify, but I'm not talking about upgrading 1.0 to 1.5, or about upgrading from 1.5 to Joomla 3. It is possible only because of the availability of special third-party extensions and different walking maneuvers, as you can easily end up, there is no reason mіzh systems.

In this publication, there is a question about how to complete the simple New Joomley 1.5 to the end current version(on Danish moment 26). Unimportant to those who have already entered the office 3.1.5 , Лінійка 1.5.x in the future most hour popular through a great number of versatile extensions written by third-party vendors themselves.

Exactly the same rank, as if the descriptions of the trocha are lower, you can do it with a new three-ruble note. That, whoever I’m already aware of in the right, say that there’s no folding here, and I’ll stay with them, but I’m just remembering my mastery and tormenting to drive the one, how to get the update up and not destroy it with such work site.

For a webmaster's head, the feed is not obvious at the price, and it’s even scary, but it’s not like that. That is why I wrote a short post about such a simple and at the same hour more important, as an update until the last modification, in which, it is possible, you will be suspicious whether you know the differences and the control of the system of the value of the stability.

De download and install upgrade package

This official site is, so you can know the package you need to upgrade from the current version of Joomla that you have downloaded until now, as for the present moment I will stay.

For the whole, you need to go to the side of such a wonderful resource, you can change and you can add packages to the update until 1.5.26 from all previous versions:

So as at one time all the more popularity is gaining third head Joomla Then, at the very top of the page, naturally, change the update methods from your three-way thread to the last one in the number 3.1.5.

You will only need to know the updated package available to you, for example, in my first screenshot there will be a file Moreover, one and the same package can be packaged in an archive type, but it doesn’t matter. Zavantazhte yogo in the archive, so that you can without problems you can unpack it on your computer.

You have installed Russian version of Jumli, Then you dont have a shukati okremiy package for itself. When upgrading the way we will describe it in the statistics, there will not be any damage to the settings of the damage and the Russian move as it was installed for the changes, so they will be lost.

It may also be the case for all of them and for the establishment of new extensions.

Also, we will vvazaty, that the package you need, you have locked up and successfully unpacked it on your computer. As a result, you have a set of folders, analogs of some є і). Now it will be necessary to add the unpacked archive to your site in the horse folder.

For everyone it will be necessary. At the left wink FTP client open the updated package instead of the unpacked archive, and in the right one - the root package of your site (either PUBLIC_HTML, or HTDOCS, well, or that folder, if you have Joomla installed).

See the whole place in the unpacked archive (CREDITS.php and CHANGELOG.php files may not be seen) and by pressing the right button on context menu item "Add to server":

Copy files from the Jumli Update package to the root folder of your site. On the food about those who already have such a file, you will need to tick the box "Rewrite" of the dialogue box, and so tick off the box "Start a victorious diyu", FileZilla didn’t try to rewrite you all the time. Upon completion of the process, you can vvazhaty, how you successfully upgrade.

In order to change your mind, go to the admin and wonder the number of your stream version of the engine ("Dopomoga" - "Information about the system"). Revise the status of the site and, if everything is good, let me welcome you with successful updates.

If you have any incorrect robots, try to add new versions to the new version, as it will be normal for everything with the updated engine. Everything is simple, why is it wrong? Now, if you can, you can upgrade in the world of need and get a stable and stolen Jumly modification from your mother.

Yak onoviti jumla 2.5 to 3.3?

Otzhe, schob іnіtsіyuvati tsyu procedure, it is required in the administrator vibrate from the top menu of the item "Components" - "Joomla Update!":

Yaksho in the line 2.5. you have installed the last update bezpeki (at less release 2.5.20), then you will be informed about those who are so good, they are not needed. In general, the stink of a race (read visnovki), ale, if the bazhanya is a good friend of the new three, it’s too high, then press the button "Nalashtuvannya", Roztashovanu vgorі right handed:

At the window, on the deposit "Dzherela Update", select from the list of options to replace the victorious one for the option "Distributions with trivial period of time".

I have explained to you three things, that the triviality of the letter is only the version of the point (2.5, 3.5, 4.5, etc.). A short-line, on the other hand, with the same voltage in all other versions (3.0; 3.1; 3.3, etc.). We need version 3.3. to that mi i vibiraєmo daniy item. Do not forget to click on the "Protect and Close" button.

Well, the axis, now we are already upgrading to the third line of Jmumli, and I’m going to stream version 3.3.0 for the rest. To install a complete update, add a button to the bottom one button:

Steal, you can navigate as soon as you work on the local Denver server, all you need is to have access to the Internet, so that the update files could get bogged down. The process of updating the engine itself will be illustrated directly on the same side:

When the process is finished, please start a new administrator and update about the successful operation:

Good luck to you! Before quick sights on the sides of the blog site

You can be tsikavo

A picture for a Joomla site with the help of the Xmap component
Joomla site becoming vidavati kupu pardons type - Strict Standards: Non-static method JLoader :: import () should not be called statically in
Akeeba Backup (colishny JoomlaPack) - shutting down a backup of a site on Joomla and updating from a backup in two clicks
Installing Joomla 1.5 in detail and small, solution any problems
Yaku version of Joomla vibrati (2.5 or 3), butt installation of Joomley on a local server Denver і її update
aroused in Joomla modules for robots with RSS lines, for opening hlibnykh krykht, for entering and clicking on the site
Joomla Modules - TinyMCE, Load Module, Legacy and іnshі installed for deputy
Modules in Joomla - re-viewing the position, setting up and setting, as well as the very recognition of the suffix class
ARTIO JoomSEF - setting the CNC (SEF) setting і Title in Joomla, as well as the very closing of the 404 page for additional expansion
Modules vivedennya list of distributions in Joomla, vivid and ostanikh novin, Similar materials, good photos and Html code

I go, dear friends! If you have assigned a note to the Chargov cms joomla, we will select those yak onoviti joomla 2.5 to joomla 3... The joomla retailers try to seriously bet on the joomla line of the 3rd version, and the joomla 2.5 is easy to accept - to fix the security problems, to learn the rules, there is no plan for the new functionality. That same vzagal, already soon joomla 2.5 will stop appearing and for some reason I remember guilty of seeing the attachments of 2014 rock. With joomla 3 it’s a situation - there’s a lot of pardon, we’re getting good luck, and it’s also possible to get new functionality, but you can’t help but rejoice. you will be lighter.

Svychayno, richly, who can say - “And what is there folding in the new? Launching the update in the control panel and everything. “Ale, I’m going to sleep and remember, don’t expect everything to go so smoothly. I recently posted onoviti my site, which I started on joomla 2.5 to joomla the 3rd line, as a result, I took out a purchase of pills and a purchase of food - why shouldn't you go ... when the site is updated.

Otzhe, I want to update the site's engine categorically (for example, for help) and transfer it to. So it will be meaningless and calm in the soul.

Send the transferred site to the immediately reverse cms joomla 2.5. on the appearance of the new 2-nd lines. You can reconsider the appearance of the new development on headstrong control panels in icons for quick access.

As soon as you see it, the version of joomla is new, but if you see the new version, then go to the order to stand the icon "New version". I have been given a list of known updates and extensions to the site. We will talk about new expansion below. Then, having increased to the list of knowledge of new extensions, click on the "Clear cache" button.

Now go back to the home side and start updating. Shchilina by the end of the joomla upgrade and put into the joomla upgrade component. Here it is embossed on the "Install update" button for a day. Zazvychay go through everything with a bang.

Updates / views of third-party extensions

Now, in order to update the cms line 2.5, go through all the third-party extensions that you installed and converted to the appearance of the updates on the official websites of the retail stores. Yakshcho є renewal for joomla 3, it is necessary to update. It is possible to reconsider the new extensions on the head side, as I have already said, in the ikon the new extensions are possible, or go - Expansion -> Expansion Manager -> Update... If you don't know anything, try to clean the cache as well. Name the extension, written in joomla 3, and in joomla 2.5. The infection is even more widespread and adaptable for joomla 3 rosrobniki, so, I think, there will be no problems with the system. As soon as the new development is dumb and if it doesn’t sing it, it’s more beautiful to see it.

SCHOB VIDALITI expansion in joomla 2.5 ydemo in Expansion -> Expansion manager -> Management and a list of all installed extensions on the site is displayed, both on the one hand and on the other. Vikoristovuchi filter, you can quickly know it is necessary to expand or just drive it into a row of joke.

An expanded checkmark and embossed button "Deinstaluvati" is obviously required.

Converting the base of tributes to the appearance of pardons

Now, when you get lost, in the extension manager, we jump to the "Base Danih" tab and change the database tables to the appearance of pardons. Call me, if everything is fine, see this writing - The structure of the database tables in the current stanі... If there are є pardons, then embossed on the buttons "Vypraviti".

Upgrade to joomla 3

Now, when we have completed operations, we can proceed to renewal. Let's turn our knowledge into the joomla update component - Components -> Joomla! Updates... Here it is stamped on the button "Nalashtuvannya" and visually " server update"On" Joomla distributions with short-line pidtrimkoy"I embossed" Save and close". Immediately after this component is guilty to know the renewal of joomla 3 of the last version. I didn’t know, the upgrade cache is clean (Manager of Expansions -> Upgrade and stamped on the button “ Clear cache"). Writing a known renovation embossed on the buttons " get new". The borrowing process takes about an hour. With good Internet access, everything is fast.

For renewal, pack the site in the archives and transfer it to the hosting.

May be pardons for an hour of update or for a renewal

Pastor 500 - JHtmlBehavior :: mootools not found - if all at once, for a renewal, you have rejected the axis for such a pardon, and you cannot go to the control panels, then it’s better for all not all third-party expansion of the joomla 3. There are two ways: 1. See the backup copy and go over again; 2. Know in the files of the Mootools library connection and replace it with the joomla 3 framework.

1. Here I do not need any comments. Just go back to backup and try it all over again with the confusion of all the extensions with joomla 3.

2. Show the director of the site through the Total Commander program and from a joke, whisper the files in which to write - JHTML :: _ ('behavior.mootools'); If you are given a row to be vivod without any minds (you can automatically start the version of joomla, if for the version of joomla 3, you must say, then you will need a yak), then replace it with - JHtml :: _ ('behavior.framework');... So we go through all the files. Pislya tsiogo є a chance, that the site is zapratsyuє, but the option is not 100%, so, I don’t say anything. Especially, if I got such a pity, I chose the first option.

Biliy screen without pardons when updated. You can also become, if you have є pardons in your database. View the backup and re-register. Change the database to the presence of pardons. You can also turn on the display of grants, for the reason why. For the whole before the ear of the new year in - Site -> Local nalashtuvannya -> Server -> About pardons- "Maximum" is set. Zberigaєmosya і is crooked, it is probable that it is new.

That's all. Awakening to all in the distance!

Was it worthy of a statty? Make friends with friends!